No Zantrex-3 Threads In Search Engin??

Actually, will there ever be a replacement for the weight loss properties the Caffeine-Ephedrine combo had?

I mean as, err, safe as ephedrine was.

And is there anything special in the ingredients of Zantrex-3 that makes it the weight-loss pill I keep hearing about or just marketing hype by fat bastards?

I have to admit I felt high when I would chug a tall glass of Ultimate Orange and go in on a heavy lifting day and kick my own ass

Ahhh…the good ol’ days
Every fucking site that talks about this stuff is selling it and that makes me wanna puke all over planet earth!!!!!

Zantrex-3 Ingredients and Composition
Nacin and Zantrex-3. Zantrex-3 is a proprietary blend of:

Yerbe Mate (bark) SE
Guarana (seed) SE
Daminana (leaf, stem) SE
Schizonpeta (spica) SE
Green Tea (leaf) SE
Piper Nigum (fruit) SE
Tibetan Ginseng (root) SE
Panax Ginseng (root) SE
Maca Root SE
Cocoa Nut SE
Kola Nut SE
Thea Sinensis Complex (leaf)
Other Ingredients: Rice Flour.

Zantrex-3 contains >320 mg of Caffeine per serving

I'm so fat. Screw this....I'll just have to get my ass around to more walking and swimming n shit (hate jogging)
Its banned by the FDA. Every diet pill on the market has a little tag on it saying "ephedrine-free"

They say it can cause heart failure, addiction, palpitations, and you can make speed from it in a few easy chemical steps in a home chem.. lab…it also makes you hyper and burns fat …those fuckers!