Nolva and Clomid dosage with limited supply


New member
I have just finished my second cycle:
Test E 3ml/week, doing two jabs of 1.5ml per week. This equates to 900ml as the test is dosed at 300mg/ml.
Anyway, everything went well, no problems at all. My question is about the PCT. I have 20 tablets of 50mg clomid and 40 tablets of 20mg Nolvadex. How should i dose these ? I was thinking of starting nolvaldex for the first week and adding clomid in the second week, like this:
Nolva: 40/20/20/20 = 35 tablets
Clomid: 0/100/50/0 = 20 tablets

Should i do it this way or just start the clomid with the nolvadex. My thinking was to reduce estrogen in week 1 with nolva and increase test production with clomid in week two and three with clomid while still keeping estrogen down with nolva. If you have another way of doing this PCT with the specified number of tablets above, id love to hear it. Thanks guys.

Forgot to mention that PCT takes place 2 weeks after last jab which was today.
I would do this with the clomid if I had a limited supply, which u should never do especially going into pct.
