Nolva or armidex?


New member

Quick question regarding Nolva and Arimidex and which is best for my situation.

I am currently on Test E 500mg p/w and dbol 30mg p/d. I can see I am getting bloat 1 week in , definitely from the dbol. My estrogen levels are clearly rising, and feel slight itching (every so often in my right nip, usually after taking the dbol :dunno:) I could be imagining it. I know about gyno, so i think I have been checking my nips too often and now there sore...(i am not letting gyno take over) Apart from that, I do not mind the bloat, the bloat is all over... someone said take arimidex to lower estrogen to combat sides.. i dont see bloat as a side, infact i like it... so if to say i got worse itching in my nipple, would i best opting for nolva to compete for the receptor and keep on a low dosage until end of cycle? i know i react well with nolva. i can take the lowest amount of a Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and i seem to lose all the bloat like i respond too well to it, feels like it completely kills my estro levels to minimum.. seen too many different opinions. I assumed Nolva would just bind to the receptor and leave the bloat alone unlike an AI? Its like you cant research enough, you think you understand it all, then someone will tell you different...

i have both on hand just dont wanna add something that isnt necessary...

yeah man , nolva selectively allows some estrogen to be processed and some to not , armidex on the other hand blocks a certain percentage of it . dont use nolva on cycle , its function is in pct . u want an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) (aromatase inhibitor) for on cycle estrogen sides and control , nolva will not control estrogen , if u begin getting gyno , nolva will not help , u need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) like armidex , since u seem to like the bloat , only take a low dose of it , like start at .25 every other day , this will only slightly lower bloat but not stop it all . it is very important too keep estrogen in check , even if u dont seem to be getting sides from it .
hi, u recon i should run it at 0.125mg eod? i really do want to keep the bloat, just dont want gyno...
If you are not worried about bloat I would run nolva. If you are running into extreme estrogen problems I would run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). All the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) is going to do is increase the strain on your cardiovascular system and nolva has long been documented as good at killing gyno.

Source: 10th Anabolics
run the Aromatase inhibitor (AI). You have to manage estrogen for many reasonbs - not just gyno or bloat. The goal should be keeping estrogen at off cycle levels eben when on cycle. That way you get the benefit but none of the adverse effects and there are plenty much worse than bloat or itchy nips!. Use a low dose Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on cycle always to manage e2. Have nolva on hand in case of gyno . Also nolva is good in post cycle therapy (pct) (i prefer with clomid as well).
^Not true. One reason estro rises on cycle is because your body is trying to maintain homeostasis. Having extra estro will not hurt you and has many benefits including reduced cardiovascular risk from steroid use and increased joint protection. An Aromatase inhibitor (AI) decreases the bodies estrogen for no apparent reason to the body so it will continue to try to balance itself. If you use nolva you get gyno protection and the benefits of having some extra estro around.

IMO you should only use the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) if you have severe problems or need to cut bloat for a show.

Also, what other reasons would there be for using an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) other than gyno and bloat?

Reference: William Llewely's 10th Anabolics
^Not true. One reason estro rises on cycle is because your body is trying to maintain homeostasis. Having extra estro will not hurt you and has many benefits including reduced cardiovascular risk from steroid use and increased joint protection. An Aromatase inhibitor (AI) decreases the bodies estrogen for no apparent reason to the body so it will continue to try to balance itself. If you use nolva you get gyno protection and the benefits of having some extra estro around.

IMO you should only use the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) if you have severe problems or need to cut bloat for a show.

Also, what other reasons would there be for using an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) other than gyno and bloat?

Reference: William Llewely's 10th Anabolics

Old outdated info/outlook. Estrogen is responsible for a HOST of adverse effects from elevated blood pressure to prostate cancer just to name a couple. Having extra estro WILL hurt you , offers no benefit what so ever, and it should be managed as I stated.
^Not true. One reason estro rises on cycle is because your body is trying to maintain homeostasis. Having extra estro will not hurt you and has many benefits including reduced cardiovascular risk from steroid use and increased joint protection. An Aromatase inhibitor (AI) decreases the bodies estrogen for no apparent reason to the body so it will continue to try to balance itself. If you use nolva you get gyno protection and the benefits of having some extra estro around.

IMO you should only use the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) if you have severe problems or need to cut bloat for a show.

Also, what other reasons would there be for using an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) other than gyno and bloat?

Reference: William Llewely's 10th Anabolics

From what I read it seems that Arimidex stops estrogen production... estrogen helps in muscle production somewhat... I also read that taking Nolvadex is better because it doesn't stop estrogen production, just blocks a lot of it.... I used nolva a few days at a time when I felt I was getting gyno but that's it. I never stayed on it.
From what I read it seems that Arimidex stops estrogen production... estrogen helps in muscle production somewhat... I also read that taking Nolvadex is better because it doesn't stop estrogen production, just blocks a lot of it.... I used nolva a few days at a time when I felt I was getting gyno but that's it. I never stayed on it.

Your body produces a minute amount of estrogen in response to LH. When using steroids, you don't produce more estrogen. Testosterone can be converted to estrogen via the enzyme aromatase, hence, using an aromatase inhibitor.

Hey swim15, that is 100% not true about maintaining a balance of test to estro. Please tell me you don't actually believe that...
^I have a med school degree that says it is true about maintaining a balance of test to estro (to some extent). It is also supported by the action of SERMs on the negative feedback loop for test production.
^Not true. One reason estro rises on cycle is because your body is trying to maintain homeostasis. Having extra estro will not hurt you and has many benefits including reduced cardiovascular risk from steroid use and increased joint protection. An Aromatase inhibitor (AI) decreases the bodies estrogen for no apparent reason to the body so it will continue to try to balance itself. If you use nolva you get gyno protection and the benefits of having some extra estro around.

IMO you should only use the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) if you have severe problems or need to cut bloat for a show.

Also, what other reasons would there be for using an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) other than gyno and bloat?

Reference: William Llewely's 10th Anabolics

My doc said the same thing. He said you don't need Aromatase inhibitor (AI) (especially for TRT). I have run .5 adex when my nipples were really sore. I found that if I run adex EOD, my dick is weakened. You younger guys might be able to overcome the imbalance, but I'm staying away from adex unless needed.
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