Nolvadex Powder and Cornstarch....


New member
My guy only sells caps of Nolvadex at 50mg per cap. He fills the rest of the cap w/ cornstarch. If I made a solution of Bacardi 151 and distiled water would both compounds dissolve? Would this work or would the cornstarch wreck it?

THanks for your help!
I know that you can get 50mg/ml in the bicardi or everclear. everclear tastes a little better. Not that I have tried this, but you could try an experiment as follows:

Dump 10 caps (500mg Nolva) into 10ml of everclear.

Heat on stove and let whatever is going to dissolve, dissolve.

If you have a lot of settling it is more than likely the corn starch.

Draw off the fluid and measure. you should have a little over 10ml. 10.1ml maybe.

put the fluid in the oven at 400F and bake off all the everclear, and see if you have any sediment left over. weigh it out and see if it is 500 mg.

I'm sure there are many flaws in this experiment, but it might make for an entertaining evening.

If you try it, let me know how it turned out.

You could always just dump one cap, use a blade to half it, and take that.
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ld50 said:

put the fluid in the oven at 400F and bake off all the everclear, and see if you have any sediment left over. weigh it out and see if it is 500 mg.

I'm sure there are many flaws in this experiment, but it might make for an entertaining evening.

If you try it, let me know how it turned out.

Probably best not to use a gas stove either. I would imagine that a high concentration of alcohol fumes near an ignition source could be an issue. I might be wrong.