noob and thoughts of my diet


New member
New to the forum, good stuff in here.

My goal is to lose 20lbs in 20 days. Mostly in part due to a huge gut from beer. So I am 5'10", 188lbs, and probably more than 20% BF.

Basically, I plan to do the Atkins route for the first week. Also 30 min. of running in the morning, 1 hour of biking at lunch, another 30 min of running after work then light weight lifting( High reps for 3 sets). Also, I was thinking of doing 100 situps or crunches 6 days out of the week. The biking would be everyday except sundays. Running 3 x a week. 2nd and 3rd week--- same exercise routine except, i will be upping the carbs to about 100g a day. For supplements, I was thinking of using CLA, hydroxycut low carb formula, and 3 pure protein shakes a day.

I know this may be unhealthy, but is it doable on my plan? Any other suggestions. After the 20lbs is lost, I plan to boost up the carbs, add creatine, glutamine, and lift heavy to gain mass.

Advice and opinions much appreciated in advance.
chay03 said:
My goal is to lose 20lbs in 20 days.

I think you setting your sights a little too high. Is your goal to lose bodyweight, or lose bodyfat? If you want to lose body fat while maintaining LBM, I would shoot for 1-1.5lbs per week.

Are you counting calories?
that goal is unrealistic. thats why people get burnt out on anaerobic and aerobic programs. if theres anything that ive learned over time and anyone on this board has learn is patience.

most people on this board know what theyt are talking about and were at one point hardheaded and thought what they were doing was right. you want to aim for a 2-3% bodyfat loss every 2 weeks. roughly 2.5-4 lbs.
to me the only way for a person to loose weight and do it right is by knowing what goes in and what goes out. law of thermodynamics: energy in = energy out. use, make all your custom foods exactly to what the nutrition label of whatever your eating says, dont use theirs unless your eating something w/out a nutrition label, they are pretty close estimates.
i wouldnt get 3 shakes a day, im getting one mrp a day in and im on a 60/20/20 diet and my results are unreal. its hard to explain how to do all this cause im not good and just puttin git all down. thanks to nasm and apex :)

o and im only running 20-30 mins a day on land, i will never use treadmills again once i started doing distance running on land.

my advice, calm down and just eat clean for the next few days. do some research, find out how many cals you need, what you body fat % is, and then put your diet into action. once your on the right diet it will seem as if the fat just comes off.
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OK, 20lbs is unrealistic. After being on this diet for 2 weeks now, I have lost 12lbs, but I'm sure the majority is water. I've been taking Hydroxycut 3x a day along with some Vasopro. Taking 3grams of CLA a day. Eating about 5 meals a day. I run about 45 mins 5 days of the week. 3x week I do some light lifting-about 30mins workout. The biking and running twice a day isn't happening.

My main goal was too actually get the gut trimmed down. Over the last few months, I just kinda blew up because of Alcohol and sodas. So as far now, I haven't had any beer or sodas. I don't even crave it. What I do crave are candybars.

So next week, I was thinking of getting off this Atkins diet and back to a more sensible diet. So, I want to try and get in about 200g of protein and 100g of carbs a day. I will keep my cardio at the same pace but for lifting, I plan to lift a little heavier, only sticking to the main bodyparts and leaving out isolation exercises.

I will add more carbs to my diet but try to keep the fat down. I hear adding a protein/carb shake after a workout is good, about how much of each is adequete?