[NOOB] What would you say to a Type-1 Diabetic who's considering a HGH-cycle? [NOOB]


Semi-aesthetic diabetic
Hey guys,

So here's the thing, I'm an insulin-dependent type-1 Diabetic who's trying to make the best out of his situation and I've been lifting for two years now. I'm trying to do a clean-bulk at the moment, since being an "endo" makes me gain a shitload of fat.

Anyway, I've heard that HGH works pretty well, but only if you stack it with something else f.e. insulin. And since I've tried to master injecting my insulin 'strategically', I've considered going the HGH-road. Thing is, I've never cycled anything before. I also have a reliable 'source' , so it's possible for me to get it.

I appreciate the help, thanks!
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Ahh why don't u just cut. With your condition ur have a script for the most anabolic substance to man really. If u know how to use it properly for muscle gain u should b pretty big already.

If u aren't gaining still I'm not sure how much more you wana mess with. Be safe bro.
Ahh why don't u just cut. With your condition ur have a script for the most anabolic substance to man really. If u know how to use it properly for muscle gain u should b pretty big already.

If u aren't gaining still I'm not sure how much more you wana mess with. Be safe bro.

I've done that....twice. (srs)

Even though I 'have a script for the most anabolic substance known to man', that doesn't mean I gain muscle (even if I know how to use it). Type-1 diabetes also means that it's very easy to get hyperglycemia/high-blood sugar (srsly, trust me), and hyperglycemia can also cause an increased rate of catabolism.

I should have phrased my question a bit more differently, because I'm actually looking for an elaborate 'noob-friendly' guide on a (first) HGH-cycle.

Thanks for your response anyway brother!
forget hgh it will gain you nothing bro it needs to be run for months and is very expensive. In the wrong hands its dangerous and you shouldnt use unless your over 35 and are competeing. A 12 week test cycle is fine and youll gain well of it. However if you cannot gain naturally and cant build msucle on your own you shuldnt use anything. if you cant gain without chemical help you wont keep anything off cycle, you need to read about proper training and diet put on a good foundation of muscle and then consider juicing.