lol zero I have to agree with a lot of what you just said. I am pro-capitalist, but I think it is the fascist government we have that lets the FDA hold a monopoly on treatments that force health care costs to be so high. Alternative treatments take years to garner FDA approval and millions of dollars. If that wasn't the case, the cure for cancer would be here, and there wouldn't be tons of people waiting on a new drug to cure one of their symptoms that will eventually cause them 10 more. I do not think that socialized medicine is the answer the the problem, but probably an environment where new treatments have equal opportunity to succeed. I have watched a good documentary showing how pharmaceutical companies bribe the FDA. When you see the laundry list of side effects their drugs contain, sometimes even death, it makes you wonder how such a drug would even be considered safe for approval to begin with, if that is the mission of the FDA.
But the fascism does not just end in health care. Defense contractors (and the elite families that own the major ones) are probably mostly responsible for the wars we have started with places like Libya. I do not forsee our country separating business from government until lobbyists are outlawed and the tax rate is decreased. I pay 40% in taxes while I see others live virtually better lives than me on government money while having all the free time in the world, even when they had no disability other than being too lazy to work. We feed and pay for the progeny of people who move here illegally to stay, yet we are unable to fix our own problems.
Unfortunately many people in office are not motivated to change things but instead to pocket bribes. Capitalism is the only system that works, but when the government starts taking bribes by private companies it turns into fascism and business runs the government and screws everyone else in the process.
Unfortunately this is what America has turned into. Had the government stuck to what it should only stick to...protecting people's rights and freedoms, instead of attempting to regulate and control every industry on the planet, our technological progress would probably be ahead of what it is now.
Even worse, we let OPEC and China basically control our economy and own us since we do not stick up for our own economy and our extinct manufacturing sector which we are giving to China. All our jobs are going overseas because our tax rates and regulations are high, and we do not enforce fair trade law between us and China. We let china peg to our currency and cheapen their currency so they rape us every way you look at it.