not removing the Estradiol from synovex


I had a freind ask me a Q? about synovex-h and I didn't know the answer so I decided to see what the wise ones of the forum knew.

Q: If you were taking an anti Estrogen, could you not remove the Estradiol from synovex-h and the anti E work in controling its effects?
Why would you want to put estogen into you body that dosent make sense , sounds like lazyness to me . Take your time and get an estrogen solublizer for you experiment . Dont put garbage into your body .
read this please. yes anti e's will help but to control the amount of E in those implants would require large dosages of ANA or whatever you use. anti e's in conjunction with Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) usage is more effective for controlling or blocking conversion of said hormone to E. here is a link describing in detail the health risks associated with high levles of E in men and women. some other not mntioned are high BP, water retention, fat deposits, stroke and heart attack.
thanks, I was just asking, and like I said a freind had asked the Q? I've never even thought about doing. I'll Tell him thanks again pullinbig
g32 said:
Why would you want to put estogen into you body that dosent make sense , sounds like lazyness to me . Take your time and get an estrogen solublizer for you experiment . Dont put garbage into your body .
So in other words you have no Idea, and this is the only reply you could come up with. instead of resorting to name calling "a lack of self esteem" read my Q? A freind had posed this question to me so I decided to ask someone that would know, instead of giving the wrong answer. I have never andwould never try this.
chatbear said:
thanks, I was just asking, and like I said a freind had asked the Q? I've never even thought about doing. I'll Tell him thanks again pullinbig

no problem bro. where you stationed? my old man was a lifer so i grew up on the bases. when he retired we where at new river. i was born at pendleton.

E is some nasty stuff in men esp. Used to it was beleived that elevated E levles where a plus for Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) effectiveness. that is coming to pass now as new data is showing that E levels actaully battle Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) for receptor sites. Another + side to controlling E is that longer, safer cycles are in the cards now as well. I know a lot of folks who never come off and are able to keep sides to a minimum by cutting back on the andros and sticking to the anabolics primarily. good luck and stay healthy.
Estrogen replacement in women, is 2mg/day.................if you used synovex, without removing the estradiol, you would be getting 20mg for every 200mg's of that would be about 10mg EOD.

Assuming that he would be using 100mg's test EOD,
That would be almost 3 times more estrogen , than a women uses for estrogen replacement. Plus, factor in the extra from the test that aromatizes..........can you say D-Cups!
Mr.T said:
Estrogen replacement in women, is 2mg/day.................if you used synovex, without removing the estradiol, you would be getting 20mg for every 200mg's of that would be about 10mg EOD.

Assuming that he would be using 100mg's test EOD,
That would be almost 3 times more estrogen , than a women uses for estrogen replacement. Plus, factor in the extra from the test that aromatizes..........can you say D-Cups!

i also read a report/study that they are getting away from E replacement in womaen and using progesteron now. less sides with similar results. water retention, fat storage, the normal stuff associated with E.

I dont know anybody only using 100mg/eod. lololol most guys i know use at least 1.5g/week. that would be 150mg/week of estridiol. damn!! 5mg/day of ANA would be lacking. :40oz: :40oz: :40oz:
If you take the anti-e's, you may be ok, prob not but maybe. There's an injectable out there called Estandron and it has 3 test esters totalling 100 mg/ml and 2 estradiol esters that total 5 mg. I've heard that a man can take this and make gains, but of course you got a much better shot at gyno, but I still think it'd be a bad idea.
yeah, I told my bro to go ahead and inject the estradiol he deserves a pair of tits anyways "just kidding I didn't tell him that" lol
pullinbig said:
no problem bro. where you stationed? my old man was a lifer so i grew up on the bases. when he retired we where at new river. i was born at pendleton.
I'm at home in AL "disabled"
as a matter of fact I arrived home from Iraq about 5 days before I joined this forum. haha!!!

P.S. tell your dad I said URAAAAAAH!!!!
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Estrogen, a tranny's best friend

I think a bit of estrogen might even accentuate gains, but Syno has too much.

Unless you want to be a tranny???:40oz: