Nurr's first cycle


New member
Cycle info

Weeks 1-12 Test E 400Mg a week (100mg EOD)
Weeks 1-4 Dbol 20mg a day

Weeks 12-18 Nolvadex 20mg/day
Weeks 12-15 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 500ui/day
Weeks 12-16 Aromasin 20mg/day


Age 20
Height 6'3
weight 192
Bf around 8-12%

I was thinking about throwing in some HGH from week 8-12 is this a good idea
Any suggestions towards this cycle im about to run?
GH is for those who have yet to grow to theyre full potential at a young age and for those who have stopped growing. usually those 25 years of age and older. It takes months to notice effects from GH. 1 months worth will just punch a hole in your pocket. not to mention. YOUR 20! train hard for a few years then decide if you want to cross that road.
i went and saw my doctor and he said that all my plates have stopped growing. thanks for the advice on Hg what about the post cycle therapy (pct) thats the only thing i want to get 100% right
i went and saw my doctor and he said that all my plates have stopped growing. thanks for the advice on Hg what about the post cycle therapy (pct) thats the only thing i want to get 100% right

Start your post cycle therapy (pct) 2 weeks after last pin. Due to the half life of the ester in Test E.

Also, Aromisin should only be used if there is a problem. I've read articles that state not to use it in post cycle therapy (pct), but only to use it if gyno presents itself during cycle. I think you should do more research on the post cycle therapy (pct).
Is there a reason you are pinning EOD for your Test? Or just trying to have stable levels? Can pin twice a week...