nuts for dieting


New member
anyone know the name of those nuts a lot of people are eating during diet, the ones that make you feel full? besides pine nuts. thanks.
Raw, unsalted nuts, especially almonds and walnuts, provide essential roughage, protein, fat, minerals and micronutrients. Munching on handfuls of these nuts keeps you full and energetic for longer without adding to your waistline. "Google"
People who eat nuts report sharp reductions in appetite. The fat contained in nuts is not efficiently absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract.
I hear flaxseed is very good for keeping you full and has omega 3 also low calorie . I get flaxseed meal and add to my whey drinks.
Something I found quite interesting is that raw and pure nut butters also do not pack on the weight. I had always figured it was because nuts were nut fully chewed, but studies showed the nut butters had the same effect as chewed nuts.

Here is a video I watched recently on the subject.
Oh, and something about flaxseed, hemps seeds, walnuts, and other things with Omega 3's. Don't cook them, or you destroy the Omega 3's. Omega 6's are far less effected by heat.