O/T 'Preacher' at the gym!


New member
Last Thursday I was at the gym doing legs when this guy comes up to me and starts talking to me. I have seen this guy for a couple years, never talked to him before though.
He asked me if I was getting ready for a show, I told him I am doing one next May.
I guess he knew that I had been 'on', cuz he tells me i need to slow down. I have gained too much weight too fast! He says 'You are going to lose about 1/2 of what you gained because it came on too fast'. When I told him that it has already been a month since I came 'off' and only have lost 3 pounds, he looked at me in shock. I was like what? Isn't that the point? To gain as much as you can and keep most of it?
After he continued to talk to me about how guys do too much and burn out(which i agreed with). And after I explained to him what I have been doing and my game plan, he tells me, 'well you know what your doing' and ends the convo there!

I appreciate his concern, but why do people try and pry into peoples business? My GF thinks I should be scared cuz he knows that I was 'on'. Like I told her, you can only hise the gains so much. After awhile people are going to just know!! They won't even have to ask.
That's interesting Mike.

But don't let it get to you at least he didn't disrespect you or anything.
Take it has a compliment.
People in fitness like to feel they have knowledge in the area as it makes them feel that if people ask them questions then they must look great. I am just glad I get paid for it.
Oh no I wasn't mad at him or anything it was just funny. I mean the guy was nice an all he told me that I was a good looking kid with a great physique an had a lot of potential. He just did not want me to 'burn out'!
Like I said, I wasn't mad, just really don't like how people just start asking questions about personal life out of no where!
a guy looking out for you. even though its prying into your life its still nice to know that people give a fuck.

you showed class by not being a dick towards the guy which is very hard not to do. been there
For the people who have been there, they just know. Most everyone else is clueless or can only dream of what your doing man.
Yeah bro anyone that has been on, can pick out a user from a mile away. Take it as a compliment. I know what your talking about though bro, there are plenty of people in my gym that think they have the right to preach to everyone.
yeah hes just looking out for ya man. thats a good thing there are too many idiots into juicing these days then one of them goes and dies or gets horribly injured and suddenly its the steroids fault. if he bugs you any more then get worried.
crazymike said:
<snip> I appreciate his concern, but why do people try and pry into peoples business? <snip>
To me that is one of the ugliest personality traits a person can have—giving unsolicited advice. I see people everyday doing things wrong and or not getting results, but I never give advice unless asked. Unless of course it’s my children. Then all bets are off. ;)
Since when is trying to help someone out such a bad idea? Even if they were wrong, hopefully their intent was in the right place.

Thats like saying "Oh god look at this fucking asshole, pulling over to help me because I ran out of gas. Go the fuck away already."
Well I don’t know how stopping to help someone who’s stranded on the side of the road is the same as sticking your noise in someone else’s business.

But I do understand your point. You’re saying that if someone is trying to help then I should be grateful. Okay fair enough, but this depends on if the person doing the helping is genuine or not—and it’s very easy to spot.

Some people just talk to hear themselves talk. And the advice they’re giving is not being given because they have a general interest in your well being, but because they want to be praised for their help.

It’s kind of like the other day when I went to the drugstore and a guy held the door open for me. I said “thank you” but I guess he didn’t hear me. So he yells “THANK YOU!” to me. I just had to laugh. You do nice things because you want to do nice things, not because of the praise you might receive. I let someone cut in or stop to help someone because I want to, not because I want them to waive back at me. I could care less if someone acknowledges my help. Sure it’s nice once in a while, but I don't expect it.

So my point is that many people today give advice simply because they want you to acknowledge them, not because they really want to help you—and I just find that ugly.
Stud Diesel said:
But I do understand your point. You’re saying that if someone is trying to help then I should be grateful. Okay fair enough, but this depends on if the person doing the helping is genuine or not—and it’s very easy to spot.

If the guy is being an ass, then yes, MYOB. If the guy is clueless, then its just plain annoying. He obviously expected Mike to lose alot more size, so he could be accused of that on some level. Either way some good came out of it from what I can tell.