O'doyle rules!!!!!!


New member
Alright. So I'm looking to run a Helladrol / Katanadrol V2.0 cycle with clomid/nolva for post cycle therapy (pct). Sooooooooo I'm just looking for some dosage advice and whatnot. Not my first cycle. Ran a diesel cycle and a beast to epi cycle (which was frickin amazing) but now i'm looking to cut up.
6ft. 195lbs about 10% bf
Any advice is appreciated.
Thank you.
How did you dose the beast and diesel cycles? what was the pct and dosage for that? i think others will be able to help better knowing that information
How did you dose the beast and diesel cycles? what was the post cycle therapy (pct) and dosage for that? i think others will be able to help better knowing that information

diesel was a while ago so i don't quite remember. got it as a full stack (forged bromo, post cycle, etc.) online and dosed as it told me to. (first cycle, I was dumb)
Beast was like 20/30/30/30/40/xx/xx or something like that with epi xx/xx/10/20/30/30/30/30 i think (probably a little off) with nolva post cycle therapy (pct) 20/20/10/10/10 or some shit.
I was thinking something like 20/20/30/30/30 with both hella and katana then about the same with my nolva/clomid. Just lookin for a second opinion n stuff