Off days??!


New member
So at the moment diet:

Meal 1:
4 eggs poached
2x wholemeal toast
Coffee no sugar
WPI shake

Meal 2:
1 can tuna
1 small can of baked beans

Meal 3:
500g lean chicken or beef
With greens and rice or noodles
WPI shake

Meal 4:
1 can of tuna

Meal 5:
Post workout WPI shake

Meal 6:
500g lean chicken or beef
Green veg

About 4-10lt of water a day

Question is if I do that 6 days a week can I have an off day once a week to just eat the good stuff? And is this diet alright for putting on lean mass?
If your looking on adding mass then having some of the foods you enjoy through the week ain't gonna ruin ya. But if you wanna save it for an off day then that's fine as well js don't go overboard on that "good stuff" :)

As for diet bud personally, from looking at it I think it's lacking complex carbs and some essential fats. But there's nothing for your stats so I dunno where your starting point is so can't really make a call on whether it's gonna add mass.
I try carb loading on off days as well. Mainly because the day after is leg day n I need all the help I can get.
Can't say I have. I struggle to get protein in as it is so having a starve day would probs be very counterproductive.
So at the moment diet:

Meal 1:
4 eggs poached
2x wholemeal toast
Coffee no sugar
WPI shake

Meal 2:
1 can tuna
1 small can of baked beans

Meal 3:
500g lean chicken or beef
With greens and rice or noodles
WPI shake

Meal 4:
1 can of tuna

Meal 5:
Post workout WPI shake

Meal 6:
500g lean chicken or beef
Green veg

About 4-10lt of water a day

Question is if I do that 6 days a week can I have an off day once a week to just eat the good stuff? And is this diet alright for putting on lean mass?

It's going to be hard to put on lbm with what you are eating. You are not getting enough calories in. Your diet looks good if you are trying to drop fat and preserve muscle. Good luck..
If your diet was mine, I would thow in some more brown rice through the day. Even oatmeal or something. Also, ya the one day to shock the system can be the same day each week. Mine diet is similar to yours, with more protien and GOOD carbs. My off day is Saturday. Lots of fruit and chocolate on my slip day. I still try to avoid all the fried stuff but that is to keep my heart beating lol