Off season protein to carb ratio......

After years of trial and error, I have figured out that I only need no more than 400g of of good quality carbs(oatmeal and brown rice mostly) a day to grow, one day a week I will up it to over 600. My protein intake I shoot for between 450-500g a day. I weigh in the 260's right now, so you need to figure out what what works for you.
Thanks man. Im 208lbs, and I eat 250g protein, and 350g carbs. Im pretty lean as well, but want to be leaner, and more muscular. I guess I should bump my protein up to 270g?
Golden_Muscle said:
Thanks man. Im 208lbs, and I eat 250g protein, and 350g carbs. Im pretty lean as well, but want to be leaner, and more muscular. I guess I should bump my protein up to 270g?

are you trying to lean out? for me i needed to cut carbs to do that..i found that
50%pro 20%carb 30%fat worked best for me along with cardio
i'm prety chuby looking right now, my ratio goes like this 4:6 . Tell u what I Fucken love offseasons!!!
i like winter time... i catch up on all the drinking and fast food i missed in the summer... when you wear bulky clothes you can hide shit.. i know people discredit the getting fat to bulk method but it works for me... all i can say is i reallly missed the heaping platefulls of pasta the more stress about what your eating the more detrimental it is to your health... you seem to be in good shape low bf etc. try to up your protein to 280 or 300g/day (its alot of eggs and tuna) and keep carbs in mid 200's youll notice a difference plus get those calories up..
Hahahaa, thats not why I asked man. I asked that because I dont want advice from weak guys who dont get good results. Im trying to find out how many days I should train actually.

i think im gonna post that in every thread you subscibed to hahaha lol
Start hitting at least 400g protein and if you want to get leaner, cut carbs out after 6 or so. Just eat as much pro as u intended to for each meal and fill urself up with carbs to finish the meal off. This way, you shouldnt be too hungry for much after the pro is finished anyways, and if you have a sweettooth take care of the cravings early in the day. 250g of protein is what my little sister eats. Dont underestimate how important high protein really is, unless your genetics are above average.