Ok serious advice here. What the fuck is wrong? Will paypal to whoever can figure

even if its not the CAUSE and you DO have soem sort of mental issue. the aas is probably making it worse.

Well i did feel heaps better when off for 3-4 weeks mate, the biggest one being i had motivation to go out on sat night with the mates and girlfriend etc. Now im back to getting tired and shit on Saturdays.
And that last par is the reason you'll never be able to fully put the needle down. Here's another thought for you, what if AAS has caused some permanent, irrevesible damage? Would you still go back on? I think you would, for the same reason you can't get off now, you're mentally addicted to the feeling and you're chasing a high. I'm not here to be bullshitted, either get off or don't, but do NOT make definitive promises of not going back on than at the last second add a qualifying statement like "unless it wasn't the ass..."

Look mate i understand that but what if i come off now and feel complete shit for the holiday. I would estimate to feel better 2- weeks max hence why i was stopping cycle 2 weeks before holiday.
OK so everyone agrees drop the gear now? Im afraid of feeling shit for the holiday 3-4weeks was fine but the oliday is roughly 7 weeks away. so it may be to long still. I really am trying to hold out until 2 weeks away. roughly September 10ish ill stop. Fuck what the fuck do i do?
Look mate i understand that but what if i come off now and feel complete shit for the holiday. I would estimate to feel better 2- weeks max hence why i was stopping cycle 2 weeks before holiday.

Are you worried about the holiday or what you're feeling like? You blasted and cruised for well over a year with no pause (besides a couple weeks off), no Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), and no post cycle therapy (pct) and you think 2wks will repair all the damage you've caused yourself? I can tell you this, if you're even able to recover, it will take you more than 2wks.
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If it makes you feel any better I had a horrible 2nd cycle. It was TPP +NPP + dbol and I hated it. I never even made any gains felt so sick and out of it, most people love dbol and have good experiences with npp but I'm one of the few apparently that it didn't work for. I should have ended the cycle way early on but i was stupid like you and wanted to keep going in the end I cut it short s couple weeks and came back to testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) after a while maybe a month it was all out of my system and I feel a million times better and in testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) I've gained about 10 lean pounds in the last month. I'm so glad I ended that cycle and not planning on running those same compounds for a long while or if ever.
was using the NPP to kickstart my cycle mate instead of dbol or prop or something thought id go with NPP for 4-5 weeks or so. Almost out of it.

Mate no matter what ive used in the last little while i still feel the same, ive even tried prop and tren combo, i still felt numb and emotionless, so im assuming its the steroids all together.

so you personally think the cause for this is AAS. im HOPING it wasn't just a placebo effect when i came off for 3-4 weeks. Oh im off steroids now i feel heaps better. and in fact it was the actualy AAS causing it!.

i want the girlfriend to be happy because i want to marry her. Im in love with here more than anything and i will propose, but how can i feel happy when i feel numb and have no emotions.

find it hard to cry and really have to try hard to even get a tear out.

but have you done any cycle recently without a prog steroid? like NO tren, deca, or npp?

I would try that if you do another cycle . maybe try a simple maste/teste cycle and see if that would make you feel better.
you could be having a bout of depression and + the aas it could make things a bit more screwy.
make sure you tell your GF how you feel about her, since you cant show it well right now. make sure she knows.
Are you worried about the holiday or what you're feeling like? You blasted and cruised for well over a year with no pause (besides a couple weeks off), no Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), and no post cycle therapy (pct) and you think 2wks will repair all the damage you've caused yourself? I can tell you this, if you're even able to recover, it will take you more than 2wks.

yes i will b honest. no real time off.

and i said it sounded strange mate
but i told u i came off my previous cycle after 3 weeks. had 4 weeks off and felt lot better.
most likely cos it was exiting my system i knoe my body is damahed and i was going by how i feel on those 4 weeks off. not recovery or anythinh. purely just feel.
no mate
most cycle been tren

yes i have been all night telling her how i feel. she has been thru this the whole time with me. ongoing for a while now
but im having trouble getting off. i guess addicted. i just csnt believe all my emotiond are blunt. i remeber how good it felt dragging her down and alley after a club and telling her how much i love her. or
how i listended to a song we danced to and when it comes on the radio now i feel nothig when i used to get a special feeling

this fuckin sucks.

fuck drugs
Ok so to start off, im currently on 250sustanon, 600mg of deca and 400mg of NPP. Been blast and cruising for about a year with no Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and using all different compounds.

Man that's a lot of nandrolone youre using.

For me I don't touch nandrolone, just doesn't agree with some people. I had to take double the test to nan to get an erection. so never again.
So he blasts for a year and a half, mostly with tren, and wonders why he has emotional side effects?

If you come off, you are going to feel like shit from no endogenous testosterone production. You feel that you cant make gains without anabolic steroids. Knock out two birds with one stone. For the next 10-12 weeks take 200mg testosterone only. Give yourself a break.
Seriously, what the hell is wrong with you? You post this crap several times a week, and everyone says the same thing. GET OFF AAS! You're obvioulsy miserable. Why the heck do you keep going back to the well when it's not working for you?

Either MAN UP, or drop the gear. Stop whining, stop making these posts, and make a decision. Simple as that.

Sorry to be harsh, but you've walking on the ledge for a while now. Drop the roids and come back in the building. Geez.

i totally agree, i keep seeing this guy post how bad his lfie is and everything with steroids, we all tell him the same shit and he doens't listen, scrolled down and looks like hes not listening this time around either.
I will admit im an addict. And i have the mentality now after being on for so long that how the fk will i gain without juice. YES I HAVE THAT FUCKING MENTALITY NOW. I have heard it happens to a lot of people, they believe they cant gain without AAS. So instead of trying to bandaid the situation you believe drop the biggest thing im doing right now AAS and see how i feel from there. And if its not the culprit, which i believe it personally is then try other things?

The bold is a problem. Seems to me like you weren't gaining before juice and have that mentality that AAS will take you to a new level. Time to ponder what you are doing to yourself and fix your issues. We all go through different phases in life. I promise being steroid free is not the end of the world. You have to put your health first. Sometimes the price of admission isn't worth the show. Come off and rebalance yourself both physically and mentally.
That's called depression and addiction to aas which has screwed up your hormones. Pm me for pay pal. You need to stop everything, pct, go see your doc and get on Zoloft or something like that my friend.
So he blasts for a year and a half, mostly with tren, and wonders why he has emotional side effects?

If you come off, you are going to feel like shit from no endogenous testosterone production. You feel that you cant make gains without anabolic steroids. Knock out two birds with one stone. For the next 10-12 weeks take 200mg testosterone only. Give yourself a break.
Sage advice from everyone, and totally agree with 308power's statements above. I'd also go see a psychologist to see if there's something else going on. You would be surprised at how much stressors from outside sources (not including ones exacerbated by AAS usage) can influence the way you feel and think. You may not need any medication either, just have to relearn how to cope with these issues that you possibly may not even know exist.

You can keep your money, my advice is always free. :)
I can fix you now... But I require Paypal payment in advance!

Oh fuck it... I'll just give it to you for free. It's not like I would ever receive payment.

You are on a steroid cycle. What do steroids do to your body? If you guessed mess with you hormone levels you are correct. BUT... they don't just screw with your test levels. They alter your bodies chemistry, hormones levels (including test, estro & thyroid among others) HTPA axis, pituitary gland, hypothalamus and brain function.

So if you didn't know this before you know it now. So let me ask you... what do you think you should do?