ok Things are starting to kick in now


New member
I had suspicions my Sustanon (sust) was fake but now im eating like an animal.Guess I was wrong.Check out what i ate today so far.

4 egg whites+turkey on whole wheat
protien bar
big ass steak
protien shake
protien bar
A pile of turkey on whole wheat
I have another protien bar in my hand that I will throw down my gullet on the way home.

sound like a lot too little?Thats just far today still have dinner and another shake after the gym.
are you getting at least 6 meals a day? go to the sticky on the top of this forum (bulking foods) and look at the diet that is posted there. base your diet off of that. my guess is that you are getting ~3 big meals a day. eat around 6 and you will find room for more food.
Wesley said:
are you getting at least 6 meals a day? go to the sticky on the top of this forum (bulking foods) and look at the diet that is posted there. base your diet off of that. my guess is that you are getting ~3 big meals a day. eat around 6 and you will find room for more food.

Yeah I upped my intake and I see an immediate difference.More power at the gym Better pump as well.Im eating every two hours now easily. LOt of chicken,tuna,Whites.First meal is at 9am,so about 6 good size meals a day. Plus a few shakes and bars here and there.I am just always hungry now.Thanks for the advice