Okay, please help with GHRP-2 and CJC


Movin' On Up!
So I have been looking around the web for a few days now and can't seem to get a straight answer... I am in hopes that someone experienced will guide me in the right direction here...

I have:
2 mg cjc-1295 modified grf (1-29)
10 mg GHRP-2

Both are in a 5ml vial (I think)

I have no bac water, or slin pins... and have never used a peptide to date.

I understand that I need to add bac water to vials, and refrigerate after... They are good for a month, etc.

But I am unclear on dosage and reconstitution.
100mcg of ghrp-2 3X/day seems to be a general consensus, but I don't know about the cjc, especially since I have 1/5 of the amount, compared to the GHRP-2. Really, a step by step set of instructions would be great, but I may be asking for too much. I just don't want to screw up!

Also, I am going to begin cutting in about 2 weeks, just fyi.
So I have been looking around the web for a few days now and can't seem to get a straight answer... I am in hopes that someone experienced will guide me in the right direction here...

I have:
2 mg cjc-1295 modified grf (1-29)
10 mg GHRP-2

Both are in a 5ml vial (I think)

I have no bac water, or slin pins... and have never used a peptide to date.

I understand that I need to add bac water to vials, and refrigerate after... They are good for a month, etc.

But I am unclear on dosage and reconstitution.
100mcg of ghrp-2 3X/day seems to be a general consensus, but I don't know about the cjc, especially since I have 1/5 of the amount, compared to the GHRP-2. Really, a step by step set of instructions would be great, but I may be asking for too much. I just don't want to screw up!

Also, I am going to begin cutting in about 2 weeks, just fyi.

What's up new guy, ure gonna need more cjc.
As far as the ghrp if its the 5mg bottle u need 2.5ml of bac water to make it 100mcg per 5ius. In the cjc you need 1.5ml back water to get 100mcg/8ius.
Use back water.

Use the peptide calculator step by step instructions.
Also, can sterile water be substituted instead of bac water?

Step 1- make sure you have all supplies (bac water, slin pins, alcohol pads, syringe, and peps)

For every 5mg of ghrp 2 you need 2.5ml of back water, so if its 10mg ull need 5ml of bac water.100mcg/5ius
For cjc 2mg ull need 1.5ml of bac water- 100mcg/8ius

Step 2 use a syringe for the bac water, once measured out. Wipe top of peptide bottles with alcohol and insert syringe to mix the bac with the powder.

Step 3-let it disolve until clear, don't shake gently roll it.

Same for cjc
But I am unclear on dosage and reconstitution.
100mcg of ghrp-2 3X/day seems to be a general consensus, but I don't know about the cjc, especially since I have 1/5 of the amount, compared to the GHRP-2.

Take 100 mcg of each 2 or 3 times a day on an empty stomach and don't eat for 30 minutes to an hour afterwards.

Really, a step by step set of instructions would be great, but I may be asking for too much. I just don't want to screw up!

Also, I am going to begin cutting in about 2 weeks, just fyi.

I use 2.5 mL of BW for 5 mg of GHRP-2 and 1 mL of BW for 2 mg of Mod GRF. Thus, for both of them 0.05 mL gives me 100 mcg.

This video will show you how to reconstitute: CJC-1295 & GHRP-2 Reconstitution - YouTube
Don't let the conversions confuse you. It's pretty simple and you make the concentration by deciding the amount of BW you want to use. Just break it down to ml and mcg.

1mg = 1000mcg
2mg = 2000mcg.

Then you add bac water by the ml
So 1mg peptide powder, add 1ml BW:
1ml = 1000mcg

If you have 2mg peptide powder:
Add 1ml BW:

1ml = 2000mcg.