Old Member Just Had Knee Surgery-Any Peptide Advice


New member
Hey guys, I was a fairly regular poster about a decade ago, but I haven't been around for a while. Just had patellar tendon surgery and I'm trying to figure out what I should be doing to maximize my recovery. I've been out of the loop for a while so I'm not sure what the latest information is, but I was thinking about running a cycle of GHRP-6. Any other recommendations?

Also, if any of you guys are in the Southern California area and could recommend a good sports medicine or anti-aging doctor that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance
Hey guys, I was a fairly regular poster about a decade ago, but I haven't been around for a while. Just had patellar tendon surgery and I'm trying to figure out what I should be doing to maximize my recovery. I've been out of the loop for a while so I'm not sure what the latest information is, but I was thinking about running a cycle of GHRP-6. Any other recommendations?

Also, if any of you guys are in the Southern California area and could recommend a good sports medicine or anti-aging doctor that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance

Any reason you don't want to run any AAS? I don't know too much about peptides, but a lot of these guys do so I am sure someone will chime in. GHRP is thought to be similar to HGH in many ways, but I would recommend just running GH as there are more studies showing that it is very effective in rehabbing injuries.
Any reason you don't want to run any AAS? I don't know too much about peptides, but a lot of these guys do so I am sure someone will chime in. GHRP is thought to be similar to HGH in many ways, but I would recommend just running GH as there are more studies showing that it is very effective in rehabbing injuries.

Thanks for the reply. I'm not sure about running AAS while trying to heal. I've heard that Deca can help with tendon repair but I'm not sure exactly how that works. I can't really do any lifting right now so my focus is making sure my tendon heals 100% so I can get back in the gym ASAP
Tb500 and/or if you run GHRP 6 I would add cjc no dac along with it for synergistic effects. Consider ipamorelin instead of GHRP 6 for less hunger pangs etc.

Will say I don't know if any data exists for speeding recovery with peps etc but the logic makes sense. Not sure what role any aas would have unless you are hypogonadal. I have read the "collagen" studies etc too so ...
Agreed with the above. I'd avoid AAS (as they generally weaken tendons) during healing.

TB500 would be your best bet, followed by GH and then your GH peptides (GHRP-6/2, cjc etc.)

RUI sells TB500, I would go with them. You can find a few success stories in logs here around the forums.
TB500 is IMO the way to go. That would be my primary peptide of choice. I had a fantastic experience with it and if you look in the peptide section here I have a log of me using it. It helped my shoulder immensely.
A GH stack could also be added in like a mod grf 1-29 & ghrp2. This would be a nice addition but the tb500 would be my primary choice as a healing peptide for sure. It allowed me to progress in my physical therapy when prioer to using it I was really at a sticking point where the Dr said PT doesnt seem to be doing it and surgery might be my only option. The TB500 allowed me to start to progress in my PT and I was able to avoid surgery Its an excellent peptide. I was very skeptical of it doing anything but it really does work and work well.