Oldmusclemike, here are some of my lab...


Well-known member
Stats :

age 64- July 65
ht 5'10
wt 170 lost weight last year do to illness (mental/ divorce)
BF% 13%
Been back in gym for 1 month lifting moderately
Wanting to start cycle in 6-8 weeks
Haven't cycled in 1 year
So most know I've got countless cycles under my belt

Labs Current 2-4-16
Estrogens, Total 42 pg/mL
Prolactin 16.3 ng/mL

Proposed cycle:
Test E wk 1-12@ 250 mgs wk split
Deca wk 1-12 600mg wk split
Arimidex wk 1-14 .25 EOD
Prednisone script for osteoarthritis
Gyno very prone will adjust to control Estrogen for all sides.

PCT: wk 14
40/20/20/20 Nolv
50/20/20/20 Clomid

Any comments, how is proposed PCT
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You have Rep power of "0" and your color is red. You've been bad! This doesn't look good
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Looks solid enough Mike... don't forget to quit the Deca a week before your Test for PCT purposes...

I'd also be tempted to extend the cycle a tad to get the best out of the Deca...

Say 14 weeks Deca - 15 weeks Test - but that's all down to whether you can do that to tie it in with commitments etc

I'd personally run HCG @250iu x 2 weekly thoughout the cycle up to 3 days before PCT...

I have to ask Mike - why the low dose of Test?

250mg is the same as my TRT dose!

I'd also keep the Clomid @ 50mg daily for the 4 weeks.
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Dude, kindly f*ck off and make your own thread - Mike set this up to ask for advice.

Thank you for the support. I was polite with him even though his standing.

I was going to say this but stopped myself. Please refrain from posting anymore Sweden on my thread. Be polite and respect me as I did you. Thanks
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Okay but why so aggressive? Look at milton' thread. You shouldnt use aas lol.

hey do not refer to me at your pleasure, you dont know me Rockie and do as these experts tell you to do and dont hijack threads. Play by the rules or do like Michael Jackson and beat it.
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Guys due to old school and for the last several years and I thought since I was sustaining my personal TRT at 250 wk until a year ago I have never run PCT. It took almost 6 months to restart this last time.

So I have two specific Q's
1. Since I always ran my Test in excess of 500 mg my test levels sored. So with my natural Test as shown 540 ng/dL will my cycle @ low test 250 wk be sufficient? OR will it just bring me to 540 - 600ng/dL.
2. My PCT ?
You can't pinpoint exactly where 250mg will get you on the scale Mike, at a total guess I would say between 800ng/dl and 1000ng/dl.
But again, this it total guess work on my behalf. The statisticians might be able to chime in on that one.

But I always think if you are going to shut yourself down, you might aswell enjoy a decent blast...

I can see you are worried about aromatization - so be on your guard with Deca, it is notoriously harsh on E2.

Re: PCT - if recovery has been hard in the past, I'd extend it to 6 weeks...

Clomid - 100/75/50/50/50/50
Nolvadex - 40/40/20/20/20/20

Hope that helps
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Thanks bigben and lucky, the reason for the low Test on this cycle is that I want the Deca to do it's thing. I would like to share this work with a level of Test to be 1000ng/mL. I also have to take into consideration money for my SSD situation. So the less gear I have to purchase is needed to save.

However as I said at 540 ng/mL and being shut down I wonder if the 250 will be of any advantage except to keep my system with a test level of that.. If that's all it would do then I should up it to 500mgs wk?

Maybe I'm just splitting hairs and that's why I'm not getting any response. My cycle should be good now and I'll see about the added PCT. Thanks again.
Thanks for your input.
The cycle looks fine to me, and 250mg/wk will probably put you around 1k+ total testosterone, which will compliment the deca nicely.

I do wonder what your fasting glucose is though. Prednisone is notorious for messing with blood sugars. Just to verify also, that was ESTRADIOL right? Total estrogens is entirely different in what it means in the grand scheme of things.

My .02c :)