On TRT at 200 mg of Test C a week and looking to add some compounds - Need advice


New member
I am currently taking 200mg of test C a week. Along with that, I take .5mg of adex a week and 500ius of HCG. Everything is split in 2 every 3.5 days. It's working well, but I am looking to ramp up "blast" for a couple of months. I am planning on increasing the test C to 500mg per week, and I am looking to add Deca and Tren. Any thoughts or suggestions as to the deca and or tren and how much to take?

(I had posted this several months ago but held off due to several reasons)

I started the Tren and Deca last week at 75mg of Tren EOD and 125mg of Deca 2X a week. I wanted to see the effects from the Deca and Tren before I increased the Test. So, I have kept the Test C and adex the same until I increase the test
From what I was told you should not run Deca and Tren together as they are both NOR-19... Am I correct on this?

Delta Zulu
I would recommend either tren or deca then an oral. What were your goals from the blast?

The goal is to gain 10 lbs in lean muscle. I usually weigh 190-195. I increased my activity level and now run 6 miles 2-3 times a week and participate in jiu jitsu 1-2 time a week. I leaned up and look good, but my weight is down to 185. I prefer to be around 195, so I am looking to increase my lean muscle mass along with some strength gains
I have not run blasts before. I have run many cycles before going on TRT. I have been on TRT for a year. This would be my first blast
From what I was told you should not run Deca and Tren together as they are both NOR-19... Am I correct on this?

Delta Zulu
I would really like some feedback on this as well. I've read both answers. Many articles I have read say not to run Deca and Tren together, but I've read several posts from people who say they've run both and it worked well for them. The articles I've read say that Tren and Deca will fight for the same receptors, and that Tren will always win thereby wasting the deca. It also says that it will cause prolactin issues.

I would really appreciate someone with more knowledge and experience weighing in on this.