One dead looking for another (Boston Bombers)

Its hard for some of youbto fathom why some of us harbor such hatred or anger towards a group of people. When u are in the battle field you see the worst of people period. But heres a little sniped for some of you tonunderstand and while I do mot expect any of you to agree with how I feel maybe it can bring light to where I come from.

In a deployment there was a young baby girl who was dying. She had a bad case of dysentery. We where told specifically to not get invovled in local issues concerning health care. My doc along with a few others disobeyed tgis order and called in a bird to take this baby and her father to the base hospital. A few weeks later we had intel of bad guys in the around the same area we had saved this little girls life. When all was said and done one of the guys we pucked that was trying to kill us was this girls dad. When asked why because he recognised us he was trying to kill us his answer was short and to the point.

"Your not muslim thus makes u my enemy and that is that. Nothing else matters."

Add to the fact of lost friends and brothers in the battle field hatred builds quickly. Am I right, no not by any means. Should I try to justify my hatred no but am human and I make mistakes and tgis bombing just set me off. I dont expect anyone to understand, but it will take time to work this out for me.
How many Islamic country's have you been too? and Yes Immigrants built this country from nothing. we didn't come here to freeload off of others success.

I've been to the Philippines, Mexico too, and trust me it isn't a walk in the park there, its gruesome what people have to do to survive, but that's a third world country, most islamic countries aren't really in that bad of shape, their currencies aren't shit, and can have somewhat successful lives by our standards. I know they are most war-torn, but that's a religious war, it has been going on for millenia.

It is hard to get a Visa to come to US/Canada, its not like you can just apply for it and get it, its like winning the lottery, not everyone who wants to go gets to go, usually why they sneak in, its better to make $10/h as a store clerk at a gas station, than it would working any 12-16h job elsewhere in their country, the amount of money they make is just hilarious compared to how much I make, I make $23/h, and some of them might make that in 24h of work. I don't believe in piggybacking our benefits, but at the same time alienating another race of human because of some money you have no control over spending is just as ridiculous, the governments spend billions of dollars on things that you and I don't approve of, but that money still gets spent no matter how much we disapprove of it.

Maybe they will start a war in Russia now bc of this incident.
Its hard for some of youbto fathom why some of us harbor such hatred or anger towards a group of people. When u are in the battle field you see the worst of people period. But heres a little sniped for some of you tonunderstand and while I do mot expect any of you to agree with how I feel maybe it can bring light to where I come from.

In a deployment there was a young baby girl who was dying. She had a bad case of dysentery. We where told specifically to not get invovled in local issues concerning health care. My doc along with a few others disobeyed tgis order and called in a bird to take this baby and her father to the base hospital. A few weeks later we had intel of bad guys in the around the same area we had saved this little girls life. When all was said and done one of the guys we pucked that was trying to kill us was this girls dad. When asked why because he recognised us he was trying to kill us his answer was short and to the point.

"Your not muslim thus makes u my enemy and that is that. Nothing else matters."

Add to the fact of lost friends and brothers in the battle field hatred builds quickly. Am I right, no not by any means. Should I try to justify my hatred no but am human and I make mistakes and tgis bombing just set me off. I dont expect anyone to understand, but it will take time to work this out for me.

Completely understandable reason, your not allowed to interfere, no matter what, you can be severely repremanded for disobeying your orders, even though its hard to ignore defenseless pleas for help. That statement makes me think of war in general, even in this day and age, if we were to go to war with China, would there really be no mercy, would people really just throw down all their beliefs in an all out battle royal because our leader hates your leader? I feel muslims are very ignorant and blindsided in that aspect, just how devout Christians are about their faith in God, both sides are fighting for the same reason, when you lose friends/family it gets personal, then it really starts to affect the outcome of the war.