One juiced up Dog (Bullmasiff)


Product of Test
Check this ripper out. Pushin 2 bills 30 inch+ neck, Gunther (Bullmastiff)
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he must sh*t stuffs of the size of a mountain ...
Gullible dopes.


I dont think it is man. The father of my last bullmastiff was about that big but I haven't personally seen this one so dont know for sure. The old english bulldogge also gets a 30 inch head. This pic was sent to me because their looking for a home for him but im thinkin of gettin the old e bulldog instead their more active.
Lol. Thats some funny shit. A breeder of golden retrievers had this dog on her website and when my dad saw it said my son would love this dog and she said it was her friends and they were looking for a good home. She had me goin she even said his name was gunther. I wonder bout the photchop though i mean ive seen some mastiffs over 200lbs that were bigger than him. But that head is pretty crazy lookin, lol
I don't think I'd ever want a dog over 200 pounds

You dont they take up half the family room and when they fart you have to evacuate. Not to mention their food bill. English Mastiffs are not easy to deal with.