One solid meal a day?


New member
Anyone try this? Ive been toying with the idea of doing it for a long time... whip up a protein shake of around 200g protein to sip on throughout the day and feed off one heavy high protein meal at one point through the day.

I know they have that warrior diet out there but I don't really but into the bullshit about our biology and all the borderline mystic shit it babbles on about; but I do believe in the idea that a macro is a macro and calories in are calories in, and aside from PRE/PWO, meal frequency appears meaningless, and the main downfalls to the idea is simply hunger and lethargy, but perhaps a consistent protein source through the day could combat this?
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so u wanna do one large meal a day and then do protein shake the rest of the day?? is that what ur saying??
so u wanna do one large meal a day and then do protein shake the rest of the day?? is that what ur saying??

essentially exactly what I am saying... in the end still hit my kcal/macro goal, but with infrequent mealtiming.
I think intermittent fasting might interest you...I currently follow a similiar program....
I read that some people experience a drop in testosterone whilst following the warrior diet, I dunno if a test booster would sort that issue. There must be some teuth to the results even if its short term. When it comes to diets it's very much different strokes for different folks, what works for one may not work for another. Give it a shot and you be the judge.
200 grams of protein via protein shake will be absorbed differently than 200 grams of protein via solid food. Thermic Effect of Food will differ greatly for one.

I've done intermittent fasting before, and it worked well for me but I only had a protein shake post workout.
at least 2 big meals a day, with 1 shake. for a total of 3 times your muscles will get fuel for growth, energy, etc.
Why not just have a regular balanced diet and stick to it instead of doing an expirement?