Open serum vials with syringe fliter


Guys I need help.

About to brew my own prop for my first cycle and I am also converting all 50g of powder to 10mL vial at a concentration of 100mg/mL which will leave me with 50 vials. DAMN IM GOOD AT MATH! Anyway im using flip off caps and I was wondering, after i sterilize the vials, if its safe for the open serum vials to remain uncapped for the allotted amount of time it takes to push the gear through whatman filter before capping and crimping them? I feeling safer using syringe filters then millipore stericups and the a like. Thanks fellas!
you plan on using syringe filter to filter 500ml of juice? save yourself hours and blue thumbs and buy a bottle top filter and a vac pump.
Unfortunately I dont know enough about bottle top filter to not mess it what do you use to get the filtered gear into the vials after your done...and myquestion was is it safe to use a syringe filter with an open serum vial? As far as keeping the sterility of the vial during the syringe filter stage
Unfortunately I dont know enough about bottle top filter to not mess it what do you use to get the filtered gear into the vials after your done...and myquestion was is it safe to use a syringe filter with an open serum vial? As far as keeping the sterility of the vial during the syringe filter stage
Yes, the vials can remain open, but your environment must be clean. You cant breathe on them, wear a mask. But as quasimodo01 says, you will be there forever trying to filter that much gear with syringe filters. You wanna talk about arm pump!!!. The longer your vials sit open, the greater the chance they will get contaminated.
You can remove the oil from the lower unit to your vials with a 60ml syringe.
Ohhh okay I see now...Do you use a needle on the 60mL syringe? And if so, wont some of the gear be lost in the needle afterward?