Opinion/input on a Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and s-drol cycle


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Opinion/input on a HRT and s-drol cycle

I am on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and would like to use this for my 'betterment'

My personal stats:
Age: 46
HRT: 24 months
Background: Rugby, marital arts and now body building

Arimedex 2x1mg a week
Testosterone PLO 200mg over 6 days

I am considering doing a s-drol cycle (3 weeks - 10/20/30). I will be using Organ Shield and FishOil to protect liver. I will load Organ shield for two weeks before the cycle and then during the cycle and 3 weeks after the cycle

I need your input and opinion on the following:
It was suggested to me that I should stay on the Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) schedule through out the s-drol cycle and then once i finish simply add Reload Nat-test booster for a 6 weeks period as a post cycle therapy (pct) with Nolva or Clomid was overkill

As anyone done this?

(BTW - great forum!!)
yes, stay on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) during the cycle, and since you've been on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for 2 years, your natural production is already shut down so no need for PCT; although I'd consider getting Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and/or clomid into your testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) mix to keep natural production going and prevent further atrophy.

I'd also look at a different cycle, look around a litte; bump the test dose up for a while with injectible test, etc. you could even skip the orals and just go with a 500 mg/wk test for 10 or 12 weeks, then back down to your testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) levels