First of all I am 5' 11" 185lbs not sure on body fat im sure less than average. This is my 7th cycle. Most have been a tren/test cycle with some clen, masteron or winnie. I was planning on doing:
test e- 500mg ew
tren e- 500mg ew
dbol- 30mg daily
masteron on last 4 weeks
Looking for opinions cause this is my first time using dbol and have mixed reviews on using masteron with it. Im wanting to gain lean muscle and not gain that much fat. I eat clean. I know the mast could help with gyno even if nothing else. Am I over doing it or do I need to add to take something out? Thanks guys.
test e- 500mg ew
tren e- 500mg ew
dbol- 30mg daily
masteron on last 4 weeks
Looking for opinions cause this is my first time using dbol and have mixed reviews on using masteron with it. Im wanting to gain lean muscle and not gain that much fat. I eat clean. I know the mast could help with gyno even if nothing else. Am I over doing it or do I need to add to take something out? Thanks guys.