Optimum nutrition and mutli-vitamins in general


New member
I just got some optimum nutrition mens multi. I took one out and put it in water it took a while to break apart and disolve in wate rlike an hour or so. Does this mean that I will just crap it out? How fast or even should a multi vit break down completely in water?
I just got Optimum Nutrition's "Opti-men" on Tuesday from bulk nutrition. $15.00 for a two month supply. Very reasonable.

I am pleased so far. I think that they are definately time release vitamins, b/c i will take them at 5am, and my urine will still be fluorescent yellow at 2pm.

They are higher potency then most over the counter multi's, and i like the fact that there is some saw palmetto in them for the prostate. Especially since i am on a cycle of M1T.
To see if they were water soluble. If they are then there is no gues that they will disolve in your stomach. I have tried some multi-vitamins this way and they have set in water for 24 hours and still remained hard and intact. My guess is that I would probably just shit those right out
FunnyMonkey said:
To see if they were water soluble. If they are then there is no gues that they will disolve in your stomach. I have tried some multi-vitamins this way and they have set in water for 24 hours and still remained hard and intact. My guess is that I would probably just shit those right out

sorry dude, but that just doesn't make sense to me.
you don't just have water in your stomach, but acid which actually helps to break food down.

If you put a piece of steak in a glass of water and left it there over night, i guarentee it will still be there in the morning. Are you trying to tell me that your body wouldn't absorb that, and would just shit it out
inked1 said:
sorry dude, but that just doesn't make sense to me.
you don't just have water in your stomach, but acid which actually helps to break food down.

If you put a piece of steak in a glass of water and left it there over night, i guarentee it will still be there in the morning. Are you trying to tell me that your body wouldn't absorb that, and would just shit it out

Well typically you drink or shoudl drink a lot of water when you take your vitamins but all that aside if it is water soluble then it will definetely have no problem disolving in your stomach.

Just to add I think that most of the absorption takes plce in the small intestine so if food isnt in your stomach long then it will get shuttled to the intestine and if your multi vit is still one chunk then there is no more acid to break it down just water.\

You would just shit a big chunk of steak I am willing to bet if you dont chew it properly. You ever swallowed a whole penut?