oral steriod cycle for cutting

also cutting cycle is going to be how your diet is not the drugs you are taking... can we get stats? age, height, weight, years training, bf%, how many cycles have you run?
My friend at 19 you are not done developing your endocrine system is still maturing do you want to chance damaging yourself?

When you take an anabolics your hpta shuts down. You will not be making testosterone which in turn means no estrogen you will be in a world of hurt.
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you're to young and at that bf% way to light you need to be closer to your genetic potential. and you need to be closer to 25 before consider aas. your brain and endocrine system have not developed fully and the use of steroids can hinder your needed growth. besides all of that you need to read and research way more. plus get your diet down with your bf that high you will have a lot of problems controlling estrogen. please rethink the use of an oral and start reading the stickies on this forum and learn.
You need to learn how to diet and train properly. Your not even close to reaching your natty potential yet.
Every time someone does a cycle (not trt) they have to restart their hpta. There is a chance it won't it is a gamble people take. If it doesn't restart you'll have to be on testosterone replacement for life. That is a long time for you to be stuck pinning. Then there is a possibility of infertility. Do you want kids some day?
I havn't seen you but your still young and growing if you diet and work out right I'm sure it will tighten up. I'm am asuming you weren't morbidly obese from the stats you posted.
I'm guessing you never used aas.

Read this:



height: 172



i think zma boost test levels??

ZMA will not boost natural testosterone levels. And Anavar will shut down your natural teatoaterone. Only women can run oral-only cycles. Men must inject testosterone if they are going to use any type of AAS.

Take that money you were going to spend on gear and get a good diet coach. I would recommend 3J. He has worked with a lot of guys here.

3J's Nutrition | Diet and fitness consulting to get you to the next level.
I'm using 3j and making great progress. I thought I knew about diet and training then I learned from him I was doing it wrong.