Ostarin/lgd-4033/erase pro review


New member
Hello everybody, before i do this review just want to give you some background information.

BF%: 12%
Weight: 201

My cycle info (protocol by gynopuff my irl friend)
Week 1: Ostarin 10 mgs every day
Week 2: Ostarin 20 mgs every day, 1 erase pro every other day
Week 3: Ostarin 30 mgs every day, 1 erase pro for 3 days on 1 off, lgd-4033 5 mgs every day
Week 4: Ostarin 40 mgs every day, 1 erase pro for 3 days on 1 off, lgd-4033 10 mgs every day
Week 5: 1 erase pro for 3 days on 1 off, lgd-4033 10 mgs every day

Week 1: up 3 lbs, trouble sleeping
Week 2: up 3 lbs, increased sense of well-being, some moderate strength gains, great pumps, euphoria while working out, trouble sleeping
Week 3: up 2 lbs, Same as week 2 minus the sleeping troubles
Week 4: up 3 lbs, Serious strength gains, slight anger, gf said i was acting like a different person and almost broke up with me lol
Week 5: up 5 lbs, strength gains, Lethargy caused by low t, anger, depressed till I would go to gym then I would feel better, gf still mad

On this cycle I gained 16 lbs overall. I am in PCT currently taking torem 90, 60, 30, also blasted 500 iu of hcg last day of cycle followed by 750 iu of hcg the next day. This immediately made my feelings of depression and lethargy go away as well as enlarging my balls immensely. Also just want to say nothing noticeable happened to my balls on cycle and I was still having solid erections. So far I haven't lost any of my gains with only a couple days of PCT left. Interested to see if I lose anything once I get off PCT. I loved this cycle and will definitely be doing more sarms in the future.
Dang dude 1 sarm cycle and your twice the size of tb... jk ^ he did get gyno because he did have teenage gyno (lumps) as a teen the ostarine caused a bit of puffiness and when he added lgd4033 he did get lumps and gyno again which is when he added aromasin at 25mg ed for about a week then droped it to 12.5 also I shot him with 500iu hcg and following day 750iu hcg which he claimed gave him his energy back. He did torem and said his sack is big and hanging low and his gyno is gone.
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Sounds like a successful cycle. LGD can be hard in the shut down department. It's the only sarm where shutdown is a concern with. Did you use a reputable source for your sarms?