Ostarine Cycle recommendations and tips for PCT


New member
Hi everyone,

I'm new to the forum but I've been working out for about a year now and I've put on a significant amount of muscle and managed to stay lean, so I guess my genetics are pretty decent :D

Anyway I heard about ostarine from a friend and wanted to try it out but I have a few questions beforehand.

1. I'm considering running 10mg ED for 8 weeks, or 20mg ED for 6. Which would be better in terms of gains/side effect ratio? Which one would be better for overall gains?
2. Do I really need PCT? I've read about this debate but never got a clear answer from anywhere. If I do need it, what dosage and how long after the cycle should I prepare to take it?
3. Would nolvadex/clomid work for PCT, assuming I need it?

If you have an opinion on any of these questions please do let me know. I'm wanting to start the cycle next week, so the more I know the better.

avoid sarms or aas till age 25+ or you risk getting permanent damage to system development.

when the time is ready, yes to PCt with sarms. only shills and sellers are trying to make it look risk free. it may not be text book hormone but it is messing with your hormones no doubt about it and you want to wait till development is finished and for men thats around 25.

read around the forums and learn there is alot of info here even not related to aas
Na bro no ignorance your good we here just believe in being safe and at 19 your natural t levels are thru the roof with proper diet and exercise you can mskd crazy gains. Only thing I'd reccomend for yiu is a quality multi v, creatine, whey protein powder, and maby a pre workout.