Ostarine.....love it Love it


New member
So if you havent done research with MK-2866 aka Ostarine......WHY? I did some research with Uniquemicals Mk-2866 and it had great results...nice lean mass with NO sides at all....Just wondering how many people out there have given it a shot.
Yeah I've researched it , loved it , was able to rip up for summer without losing muscle and gained some strength . I take a natural test booster with it and have no shutdown or sides .
i have run it several times now,usually at 25mg a day and never experienced any sides either.
the vision issues you refer to are a known side effect of s4 which is supposedly a stronger sarm but with that nasty side plus people saying it does shut you down to some extend.
my research was done with unique and once with gwp of which i got some strange pumps in my right side just where the liver is located,made me wonder if there was a pro-hormone mixed in.
anyway never ever had any issues with unique,have even run it at 40mg a day and haven't experienced neither shutdown or vision issues.
you get lean gains of about 2-3kg kept after a 8 week run,a nice increase in strength,overall leaner and more vascular look and some serious pumps in the gym.did i mention i love this stuff to?!
I've ran osta in my PCT and it definitely helped me keep my gains from my cycle....kept strength up....but man did that stuff taste terrible lol
BigKev and anyone else who have used Osta what other supp did you run along with Osta? Did you change your eating while on Osta? After your cycle what would u have done different while running the Osta? Just asking so I know what to look forward to and have on hand. What to get things lined up first since being out here in Afghan I have to order stuff off-line. Thanks for any and all advise.