Other sites/forums you post at?


New member
I have been here and gained lots of information , not just on steroid use but diet and supplements as well. What other forums do you guys post at? Just curious?
Not really fair to the board owner and our sponsors here to mention other boards.
Before I joined ology I visited various forums but never posted. I found the most help here on this site so I've stuck with it. I no longer visit any other forums because I don't feel the need to anymore. Any information I need is here at my fingertips.
Personally I like BBD, its a great forum with tight knit fam! We have many great guys there and great discussions on diet and training... With that said ology is like a new home! I love it here! It's like swimming in a sea of knowledge here, BBD has a great section on AAS but nothing comparable to the minds here I must say.