Outlawing of powders ???


Professional Beer Drinker
Are they making these illegal or just some certain things. I have heard a few things about this and not sure if i am reading it right.

Can anyone eloborate. IF so and i decide to buy a shitload, How long exactly in a cool dark place can they be stored?Are we talking years and years or what time frame?
powders are illegal bro.. regardless if they are powders or injectable or oral.. they are steroids plain and simple...
okay, yesi know that, but are they stopping certain places from producing them. the powders.

I know they are illegal most places.

But i have heard about this powder talk being outlawed everywhere. any truth?
Ive heard that since they want to hold the olympics in china or around there, that they would need to outlaw hormones which are currently legal over there.
i have heard from a a guy that gets all his powder from a source in china that it has not effected if in any way yet