Over eating on a lean diet ?

terry tripod

power training
hey guys im on lean diet at the moment and has work well for the first 4 weeks lost 5% but !!!

i love my food and am still eating around 8 meals a day an every thing is measured out carbs n protein and veg very stricted and i stick to it ! but im not counting my cals

ive stop losing weight goal is to get another 5% when i first started i had to adjust the diet an pick up another meal in the arvo cause i was gettin hungery i listen to my body and feed it every 2 -3 hrs or i starve

question is ! can you over eat even though you are eatin clean ?
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Absolutely you can. I used to think no matter how much protein I ate I wouldn't get fat. So I chowed down on some protein. Overate. And guess what? I still didn't lose any weight. The key is balance.

Carbohydrates are ready to be used for energy as soon as you eat them. Protein has to be converted to glucose to be used for anything besides building tissue. So you lose about 25% of the calories of protein in the process of glucogenesis. Plus it puts a lot of strain on your body.

Also, your body has a propencity to convert protein to glucose before it uses it for tissue building in the absence of other forms of energy. So if you eat just protein, you're sort of defeating the whole purpose of a lean diet.

So the answer is: stop overeating protein and eat some carbs balenced with protein and fat.
Absolutely you can. I used to think no matter how much protein I ate I wouldn't get fat. So I chowed down on some protein. Overate. And guess what? I still didn't lose any weight. The key is balance.

Carbohydrates are ready to be used for energy as soon as you eat them. Protein has to be converted to glucose to be used for anything besides building tissue. So you lose about 25% of the calories of protein in the process of glucogenesis. Plus it puts a lot of strain on your body.

Also, your body has a propencity to convert protein to glucose before it uses it for tissue building in the absence of other forms of energy. So if you eat just protein, you're sort of defeating the whole purpose of a lean diet.

So the answer is: stop overeating protein and eat some carbs balenced with protein and fat.

ahhhh ok i have learnt this ! when i started the lean diet to stick to a 40/40/20 ratio of protein carbs n fats ! when switched diets i went really well and lost 5% ! from having a better balanced diet !

but last two diets were bulking had to try 2 cause i found it hard to gain !

at the moment i want to bump up my prework out meal cause im still finding myself gettin hungry before hittin the gym ! or bump up my cals ?as it stands lunch is 1 cup of whole meal rice 1 cup of vegies 185grms of tuna or 250grms chicken or 3 roo snags 1 fish oil tab

prework out a wrap with chicken n lettce or tukey little mayo then 40 min before training shake n 20 nuts or bannana

i have an active job im a carpenter all ways on the run !

how much did u weigh when u started also

hey mate !

age 28
height 5,10
bf guessing now about 15-18% six just showin when on the flex before i started 20-22%
ultimate goal hard ripped at 80 85 kg would like to compete some day

when i started 1 was 80 kg an know 76 kg

im yet too get to a professional trainer and get a pinch test done in the process of finding a good one !

thanx mate !
You know man, I think you might be underestimating your daily calorie expendature.

You have an active job plus your in the gym. So if you're not eating maintenance calories at least, your body goes in to starvation mode and tries to hang on to every last ounce of fat. So you wont lose anything. Just listen to your body.

If you feel you need more carbs, eat them! Just don't go crazy with twinkies and moonpies.
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hey mate !

age 28
height 5,10
bf guessing now about 15-18% six just showin when on the flex before i started 20-22%
ultimate goal hard ripped at 80 85 kg would like to compete some day

when i started 1 was 80 kg an know 76 kg

im yet too get to a professional trainer and get a pinch test done in the process of finding a good one !

thanx mate !

how long did it take u to lose that weight?
You know man, I think you might be underestimating your daily calorie expendature.

You have an active job plus your in the gym. So if you're not eating maintenance calories at least, your body goes in to starvation mode and tries to hang on to every last ounce of fat. So you wont lose anything. Just listen to your body.

If you feel you need more carbs, eat them! Just don't go crazy with twinkies and moonpies.

i think i am underestimating my calories !! is it easier to burn cals quicker than it is carbs ?

ive only just started a new job to an its a little more demanding ! im might try bumping up my carbs an caloires at lunch n pre work out meal ! tweek it again !

as long as its balanced protein carbs fats i cant really over eat while eating lean ? im pretty stricted with my self dont even allow any cheat meals or get any cals from other foods that arnt clean !

im still learning mate sorry for the hundreds of questions !!! cheers !
how long did it take u to lose that weight?

not that long ! bout 5 weeks it toke me longer to put it on than to lose it !! and have to admit that i havent done much cardio yet ! im injured torn ligerments in the ankle ! and lost that just from changing my diet and sticken with the ratio of 40/40/20

im still learning mate sorry for all the questions but i want to learn all thanx !