Oxy Black


New member
Got my hands on a can of this. It's only been out in the uk for a month or so. I've heard a lot of mixed reviews on it. Has anyone used it and wanna share there results?

Serving Size: 1 Capsule per serving
19nor-androstene-3b-ol 17-one*25mg

Thought I'd post the ingredients for the vets have a look at.
Yeah the test and deca is what two of the compounds convert into with the aid of the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) compound. I'm not sure how this works, im new to the pro hormones.


it's more or less:

a form of superdrol + an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) + DHEA + something like decavol.

i hate these shitty PH but if you wanna try it... :)
Cheers for input bud.

With it veing fairly new to my knowledge i cant seem to find much info on cycle/pct regs. Are OTC Pct's enough cover for this product?

Was thinking on DAA and Rebound xt.
Cheers for input bud.

With it veing fairly new to my knowledge i cant seem to find much info on cycle/post cycle therapy (pct) regs. Are OTC Pct's enough cover for this product?

Was thinking on DAA and Rebound xt.

nope. gotta use a real post cycle therapy (pct). superdrol is a pretty intense hormone. it can hit you pretty hard. add some clomid to your DAA and rebound.

most PHs left are active steroids - they won't convert. essentially you are running an oral only cycle with the caveat that your cycle is actually legal.so plan your PH cycle like you would a real steroid cycle - post cycle therapy (pct) included.

So get my hands on nolvadex (there an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) already in there but can never be too careful) and clomid and I've got Daa already should that pretty much cover it, n js run pct as would with AAS Cycle.

Cheers for feedback.