Oxymeth 50's from ukpharmalab are they legit

Can anyone tell me if these Oxymeth 50's from ukpharmalab are legit ? has anyone used them? if so how did they work ? Thanks

Anyone could make a few pills and slap a sticker on them. Test it with a labmax kit/ try it yourself. Only way to tell. Me myself I don't buy anything unless I trust who or where I'm getting from, so if you have to ask if it's legit you may want to rethink what your putting into your body!
Anyone could make a few pills and slap a sticker on them. Test it with a labmax kit/ try it yourself. Only way to tell. Me myself I don't buy anything unless I trust who or where I'm getting from, so if you have to ask if it's legit you may want to rethink what your putting into your body!

Thanks bro. I wasn't planning on taking them till I knew. I never heard of Labmax but I will order it