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I thought I would keep track here and on a couple other boards on my results with P-GH.

First a little back ground for those of you who don't know me. I am 42 years old, 5'9" , 195 lbs @ 13% bf. I have been lifting sense high school. I was that kid who always lifted and never seemed to gain much size and weigh. When I graduated I weighed 125 lbs. At that time I loved to run I would run every day ( now later in life I know why I never gained weight..LOL ) When I was about 25 I totally wrecked my knee in an accident. My running day came to a quick halt. After a couple months on crutches and not running I learned I could gain weight, because I got FAT.

Eventually I started walking 3-4 miles a day and running a little. Then I started lifting weights again. Well through the years I learned how to eat and how to gain some size and not run it all right back off.

Any way at 41 years old I ran my first Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) cycle. I had experimented with prohormones with some results but thought it was time to make the move up.

My first cycle was a mix called nice 500 some of you will recognize the name. It is a test/deca along with that I took 30 mg dbol for 4 weeks and the proper PCT. Second cycle was a test only cycle. In retrospect I wish it had been my first. I made some more gains from it.
my current cycle looks like this.

weeks 1-12 Galinika test enth @ 500 mg wk
weeks 1-4 testopin test prop 100 eod
weeks 1-12 Organon yellow top deca @ 400 mg wk
weeks 1-5 50 mg Naps dbol ed
weeks 1-14 nolv @ 20 mg, Liv.52

week 15 40 mg Nolv
16 30 mg
17 20 mg

HCG on hand if needed

And now at week 2 I am adding the P-GH @ .25 2Xed

I started P-GH last night. I can certainly vouch for the better sleep part. I usually wake 3-4 times each night some times it takes up to an hour to get back to sleep. I slept like a baby last night. I will post from time to time on my results with this product.
So far the P-GH has really helped with my sleep.

I feel I have been in a better mood and had more energy, both probably due to improved sleep.

I'm really hoping to see some of the other benefits with time. Especially during my post cycle therapy (pct) in late Feb.
Im 42 and have just bought some. I too have problems sleeping but not on this stuff. How would you take it IM or sub-Q? I put it under my tongue in the am and IM it at night. :sleep: :sleep: :sleep:
Have been on for a week and it def. helps my sleep. Fell better throughtout the day as well. Take .25ml/morning and at night. I use 30gx1/2 slin syringe and shoot in my stomach. I think it make me harder to. Will get back next week and tell you if I feel the same way. I hope it is the P-GH cause I like taking it so far!
Check out the P-GH section we are adding more information in regards to testimonials. There is a great story behind Duane Stone we haven't gotten up yet, we have some information from his personal physician we hope to get up as well. His doctor wanted to know what he did to dramatically lower his cholesterol and reduce his BF faster than he had ever in the past. He is an experienced power lifter and Body builder and a friend of a friend so I know he wasn't BSing me when he reported his results. He was the very first person to trial the product and has been on it now on and off for about 2 years. The product definitely delivers results on different levels for different people and the most significant improvement for those over 40 and/or most lean. The younger leaner guys realize the vascularity and BF decrease in the hard to reach areas...... It's the average bodybuilder that expects a miracle or extreme muscle growth who aren't impressed by it BUT everyone feels better, sleeps better and realizes a sense of well being due to the vasodilation which helps carry toxins out of the body. It is great to run along side of the harsh Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) to reduce sides and fantastic for those coming off, as good a product as HCG in my opinion and personal experience. Like synthetic GH it is a booster for Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) and an ideal compound to run along side or in between a cycle. With any questions please feel free to contact us at customerservice@universalkits.com or to inquire about becoming a reseller as we have an exclusive agreement with the manufacturer for distribution.
That stuff reminds me of g or ghb, i use to love to bone with that major rush of test and really good for insomniac like me.
Been on for about 4 wks now taking .25ml 2x day. Helps sleep and gives me a well being feeling about myself. I like it. I am using it for post cycle therapy (pct) w/ Nolva and have kept all 18lbs of my gains so far. I can tell on the weekends when I am not on it. Don't know if its a miracle drug but I like it so far!
My weights have been able to be increased a little and maintained in other areas. The leaness I have is due to being low in BF so I can't really tell there. I want to put it in my next cycle and see if it helps anything. Like I said I have been off for 4.5 wks now and my weight has stayed the same. I haven't changed anything. I think that's pretty good
I should help[ with bf also but does do growth H. effects or not.Also does it rise your test levels and how long does the supplement last(one month or what). Thanks
I do my injects in my stomach and I have not seen any change w/ BF in that region but I am lean anyway so I don't know if I would notice it. It does have an affect on natty test due to deep sleep that it causes. Anyway it is a good effect. I had one bottle and it has lasted 4 wks at .25ml 2x/day using the 5 on 2 off method like it says in the directions. I will continue to use it and may step up my dosage next time just to see if it works better. I will say I still feel cocked strong and hard even 4.5 wks after my cycle. I believe it may have something to do w/ that also!
A side effect I get off this stuff and it started from day on is my last 2 fingers on my left had have a dead feeling to them sometimes right after a shot. I hear it's normal but just thought I would throw that out there. I still have all the feeling but it just feels funny. So something in this stuff works!
Would not have a clue! Ask around maybe someone can tell you, however most people that talk bad about most of these products have never used them.
I have just started my 3rd month and am very happy with my results.

I am in the last week of a test/deca cycle and this has been buy far my best cycle to date. I feel rested and have more energy and have leaned out considerably. I will definitely be continuing the PGH for another 3 months.

We now have the new formula pGHt and this version is transdermal. Hopefully we'll get some updated feedback from the users who have been on for a while. The product definitely works and delivers it's most visible results from older bodybuilders and people who are leaner. It will help the bodybuilder who is training for a show to get leaner and more vascular than ever before. Bodybuilders coming off of injury and who are on or in need of post cycle therapy (pct) also see major benefits. Coming off you will keep more gains and have much less emotional highs and lows..... This is speaking from personal experience. Expect some more info shortly on the site and thanks for the support we receive from everyone here.