Packing food for 3 day trip. Need advice/tips.


New member
Alright guys so I am going to be out of town for 3 days. I will be cutting at the time and really do not want to just eat whatever, as convenient as that sounds.

My plan was to either

A) simplify my diet:
Ezekiel bread and potatoes for main source of carbs
Chicken/whey/jerkey for protein
almonds/pb for fats.
Then just pack it all up for the week I guess in a large cooler and change ice everyday as the hotel does not have a fridge. (some fancy one downtown Chicago, that the gf booked).


B) Bring along healthy foods as a general template and do my best to hit my macros going out to eat. I mean 3 days should not totally throw me off track. Really only 2 because I could pack for thr driving portion easily.

I will be on a test/mast cutting cycle so that should help some. :D

Does anyone else have experience packing food for a trip and would mind sharing some advice/tips?

Thanks fellas!