Painless prop at 200mg/ml???

I used that stuff to make a tren/prop mix. I made the prop at 200mg/ml first and mixed it with the tren after. The prop was a pain in the ass to get to hold like that, i had to add 2 cc's of BB to the 100ml's of prop to get it to hold. Not sure how long it would have held, because i mixed it with the tren shortler after. I made both the tren and prop with the dazed's solution. I tried 1cc recently ventro glute and it was pretty damn painful, maybe something i can get used to, but it hurt the next day. The final solution was 100mg/ml prop and 75mg/ml tren.
I do believe we have one board member who has done this if he cares to comment.

I liked short esters for a time but honestly I am back to longs because of injection frequency, and I'd like to see if maybe the blood level peak will do anything different for me.
I'm suprised more of you don't like prop. It is my fav. I never mess w/ 200mg/ml, cus 100mg/ml works just fine, and I don't have any pain issues. I think that was w/ 5%ba and 15%bb as well.
I really like prop, and it only makes sence when using other short ester roids like tren.

You want some smooth prop...1.5% ba - 22%bb
as soon as i get some tren enan my short ester injection days are over. i still got a bg full of tren ace. damnit!!
pullinbig said:
as soon as i get some tren enan my short ester injection days are over. i still got a bg full of tren ace. damnit!!

Send it over here, ill dispose of it properly. :D