Panama City Beach Spring Break 2011.


On the backside of 40...
Holy shit... My BP went through the roof just watching this shit unfold.

And after she was arrested she was crying about who is going to take care of her 2 kids!

And you KNOW if someone were to have snatched this little bitch up by her nappy head there would have been law suits, BK would make her a millionairess and Jessie & Al would be demanding a boycott of PCB.

THIS is whats wrong with society!

Should of pulled the baseball bats from under the counters and started cracking skulls!
They asked on NBC why there was not any rioting or extensive shoplifting/looting after the quake in Japan and all I could think of is because they don't have any black teenagers.

This shit happens all the time here in DC.
Fuckin dog packs

They need tazed until their ears smoke.

My last 3 fights have been with the hip hop crowd for stupid shit just like this. I pound their friggin heads in. I just won't put up with that ignorent nonsense.

What ever happened to respect??

That aint racist its just real time living here in this neck of the woods.
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You guys really suprised, I mean really?. . . My cousin lives down there. She told me one time her and her friends went to a club, and somebody pulled the fire alarm. . . So, in the mist of people exiting the club two HUGE guys picked her up and ran out of the club and then slammed her on the ground when they got outside. . . Then they proceeded to laugh about it. She weighs about 90 pounds. .

Whats funny is her dad defended a guy who left a mall down there in Florida. . He was walking out to his car, and was jumped by three black males . . He proceeded to BEAT-THEIR-ASSES, in broad daylight. . Went nuts . . eye goughing them, and totaly getting the best of them. . I guess they had some pretty bad damage . . This guy actually went to jail, because they pressed charges lol. .

The dumb bitch belongs in jail, and who fucking cares about her dumbass kids. She should have been watching them in the first place. . . Not on the news for damn near causing a riot. . She wasn't worried about her kids when she was "actin a fool" now was she. . . Can u imagine, your mom/gf/sister having worked there, putting up with that shit?. .
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I've seen that type of behavior many times before, (you cannot even drive close to Miami Beach) during hip hop weekend, my sister lives in Miami Beach & she's seen horror stories during this event.

BTW why is this lady partying with all these spring brakers ??? She looks at least 45 !
and why is she going into Burger king wearing her bikini ?? a mother of 2, what a nice example she's setting for her kids, judging from her behavior, her kids are better off without her for a while.

She deserves going to jail, acting like that over being served the wrong burger ???
C'mon !!!!!
Never fail to amaze me. you have black and white and yellow and some red people. and you have the worste of them all.
niggers. any color can be grouped in this today.
if some one has no respect for a others property or for their well being thats what they are. just plain stupid shit.
Never fail to amaze me. you have black and white and yellow and some red people. and you have the worste of them all.
niggers. any color can be grouped in this today.
if some one has no respect for a others property or for their well being thats what they are. just plain stupid shit.

Agree, it's not about the race is about the behavior, I've seen other races act stupid & ignorant as well,

Our society today has way too many people that have no respect for themselves, others, or others well being, and some act this way infront of their kids, so they grow up and do the same because is what they've learned from their parents... Just sad !

I've heard on the news llately few incidents were dumbasses call 911 because they were given the wrong order at a fast food joint..
its un real the stupid people out there. i feel sorry for the children that has to grow up and see this. then turn into it.

break the chain and grow some brains they are free.
She's going to end up in prison and start something with the wrong person and find out what a real ass-whipping is like.
Ive seen plenty of Cuban Niggers giving the race a bad name.. I agree that this has nothing to do with race and everything to do with ignorance.
QUOTE=Mr P;2793204]Ive seen plenty of Cuban Niggers giving the race a bad name.. I agree that this has nothing to do with race and everything to do with ignorance.[/QUOTE]

Perhaps we could replace the nigger moment/wigger moment with an excuse me moment.

So in the cartoon where the guy says Wait a minute, I'm White--
Insert (Excuse me my brother, my fault)

YouTube - a Nigger Moment

Then we can all just grow old together!!

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QUOTE=Mr P;2793204]Ive seen plenty of Cuban Niggers giving the race a bad name.. I agree that this has nothing to do with race and everything to do with ignorance.

Perhaps we could replace the nigger moment/wigger moment with an excuse me moment.

So in the cartoon where the guy says Wait a minute, I'm White--
Insert (Excuse me my brother, my fault)

YouTube - a Nigger Moment

Then we can all just grow old together!!


shizzz they can even shoot each other right. lol
Holy shit... My BP went through the roof just watching this shit unfold.

And after she was arrested she was crying about who is going to take care of her 2 kids!

And you KNOW if someone were to have snatched this little bitch up by her nappy head there would have been law suits, BK would make her a millionairess and Jessie & Al would be demanding a boycott of PCB.

THIS is whats wrong with society!

Should of pulled the baseball bats from under the counters and started cracking skulls!

my first guess on who would be.... someone who wouldn't storm into a bk over something as trivial as a drive thru misunderstanding and start throwing straws, pulling hair and throwing punches, and throwing other shit at employs from on top of their counter. for a second it looked like a bad zombie flick in there. minus the blood and entrail eating.

and i don't think she went to bk in a bikini, she went there in her car, and was ordering at the drive the originally apparently.