Pancreatic cancer and steroids


Well-known member
I would like to know about test and it's relationship will pancreatic cancer. Sorry but I can't find the information on Google. Does anyone know those risk factors.
If anything, I'd imagine it would lower any risks associated with the pancreas. Testosterone specifically has properties that helps the body remain sensitive to insulin, and it's not a carcinogen either.
If anything, I'd imagine it would lower any risks associated with the pancreas. Testosterone specifically has properties that helps the body remain sensitive to insulin, and it's not a carcinogen either.
Thanks. That's what I thought. Someone told me that they got stage 1 pancreatic cancer from using test.
Assuming normal physiologic ranges I agree. I'm sure you meant that half
Honestly, I don't think supraphysiological would even have much of an impact either. Cancer is some rampant stuff that can literally be caused by water having a bent bond between two molecules, acting as a free radical - potentially causing cancer. Pretty much ANYTHING can cause it - so I guess there's a chance, but it would be low.

Here's a link to known causes and risk factors by the cancer society.

Note: I don't see any mention of there being a risk from AAS. Just diabetes, obesity, and the usual culprits in human mortality. :)

Thanks. That's what I thought. Someone told me that they got stage 1 pancreatic cancer from using test.
Yeah, people can't accept that they just have a predisposition in their DNA and want something to blame. A great example being Jenny McCarthy - NO WAY could autism be in HER gene pool! It MUST be the vaccination her kid just coincidentally received. Let's bring back diseases that will wipe out MILLIONS because we have a celebrity with a case of denial.

Sorry for the rant, I just hate people that don't take responsibility for their actions or want to blame something completely coincidental to their problem.

I am sorry to hear that someone has developed cancer (especially such a nasty form), but I very seriously doubt it was caused by AAS. HGH on the other hand...
I appreciate all this input halfwit. this is sad but I know a guy that is telling his family and friends that he has stage I pancreatic caner to get out of something. I've caught the guy in many lies. The use of steroids (and he never used a lot) he told people that a doctor examined him and told him it was the Test injections that was the cause. I found that he never went to a doctor. I busted him on all fronts.

Really a sad thing to do to the other people and family.
I agree and although I am not a doctor, from what I have gathered and read up enough to the point where Androgens most definitely have an effect on insulin sensitivity and therefore inuslin production output. Testosterone is IMO not going to cause pancreatic cancer, if anything will allow it to be less overused per se.

Tren? Low blood sugar? It's a fucking super potent androgen and cortisol supresser, well that is what an Androgen will typically do, ofcourse dose and AAS indivudally will vary in strength.

And not to hijack, but fucking this is something that everybody should read....

Yeah, people can't accept that they just have a predisposition in their DNA and want something to blame. A great example being Jenny McCarthy - NO WAY could autism be in HER gene pool! It MUST be the vaccination her kid just coincidentally received. Let's bring back diseases that will wipe out MILLIONS because we have a celebrity with a case of denial.

Sorry for the rant, I just hate people that don't take responsibility for their actions or want to blame something completely coincidental to their problem.

I am sorry to hear that someone has developed cancer (especially such a nasty form), but I very seriously doubt it was caused by AAS. HGH on the other hand...
The only thing causing cancer in a test cycle i see are serms, in fact nolvadex is a known carcinogen. but test by itself, i think no way
Yeah test itself is certainly out of all of the compounds used in bodybuilding IMO is the least of your worries for anything in terms of negative effects on the body including cancer, as well as the mild injectables say Nandrolone and Boldenone. Tren and orals well, specificially orals I think will be more of a kidney/liver issue if they aggravate anything and is dose/length run dependant.

But as above poster just said, the synethic, as in completely synthetic to the body compounds are ones that I would be weary of. SERMS and SARMS as well as the new/research chemical compounds and peptides. I'm not saying they are, but some, yes Tamoxifen IS a known carginogen and as far as I last looked into it SERMS for the most part if not all are teratogenic. AAS/HGH are in my eyes and again this is from my own self-education will aggravate existing cancer by allowing it to grow, really more so HGH/IGF-1 and Tren (Tren will jack IGf-1 through the roof).

Then again, low test itself correlates with increased health issues/cancer etc etc.,........