paxil and supplements


New member
hi guys ,new here ,i joined as i noticed in search there seems to be alot of bodybuilders on paxil ,well ive been on it for over 10 years,so not something i can just come off.
well ive been over and over the internet regards supplements i can use while on ssri and not really much info also posted on another site not very much in the way of replys .well as of now i take the protein an creatine an vitamins and a good diet other than that the supplement side gets a bit complicated more so when lots say ask doctor if on any medication and so on.....i bought some tribulus and the doctor advised me not to take as no studies have been done regards side effect etc,yet im pretty much sure most the supplements on the market dont have over many studys i dont know ,so basically iam at a point of thinking well the few natural supps is as far as i can go ? so any advice on people who used any supplements that are ok with paxil and also ones that are not would be very helpfull and appreiciated,iam getting older lol so possibly in the future little things can only help in wanting to improve my body and build muscle .so thanks in advance to any paxil or ssri users that can well add to what has been used and what should be steered away from ;) and hi all on steroidology