PB 500 vs IPAM vs IGF-LR3


New member
Hey guys, I'm looking for something to help w/ joint pain and tendonitis. Any input would be great.

Logs would be awesome. I'm having a hard time finding logs of TB500, but if you know your stuff, maybe there's something better out there...

I actually used Ichon and it worked nicely on the joints. Now I have tendonitis in my elbow though. Sucks.

Anyway, thanks for the help...
TB500 and IGF are going to be the most effective at rehabing an injury like that. IGF works wonders in regards to soft tissue regeneration.
Here's list of benefits associate with tb 500

TB-500, Thymosin Beta 4 (Tß4) 10mg.


Clinical research studies have shown that TB-500, Thymosin Beta 4 (Tß4) helps to promote the following:

Increase muscle growth with huge increases in endurance and strength noted
Relaxed muscle spasm
Improved muscle tone
Increase the exchange of substance between cells
Encourage tissue repair
Stretches connective tissue
Helps maintain flexibility
Reduces inflammation of tissue in joint
Enhances nutritional components in the animal
Prevents the formations of adhesions and fibrous bands in muscles, tendons and ligaments.
Endothelial (blood vessels) cell differentiation
Angiogenesis (growth of new blood cells from pre-existing vessels) in dermal tissues
Keratinocyte migration
Collagen deposition; and
Decreases inflammation.
IGF-1 LR3 also known as Long R3 IGF-1 or Insulin-Like Growth Factor-I LR3 is a Human Recombinant, single, non-glycosylated, polypeptide chain containing 83 amino acids and having a molecular mass of 9200 Daltons. IGF1 mediates many of the growth-promoting effects of growth hormone (GH; MIM 139250). Early studies showed that growth hormone did not directly stimulate the incorporation of sulfate into cartilage, but rather acted through a serum factor, termed 'sulfation factor,' which later became known as 'somatomedin'.

Benefits of IGF are as follows
increase body size, and the promotion of tissue growth, in particular, of muscle tissue. IGF also helps the body to repair muscle tissue and helps muscle to resist injuries, which are two major benefits to bodybuilders.
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Hey Pittsburgh, thanks for the reply! A lot of good info. I appreciate it.. I think the sides of IGF LR3 compared to the TB 500 make me want to try the TB 500 first.

Distended stomach, overgrown elbows, enlarged heart, etc make me nervous even if it's only from abuse. You really put a lot of trust in the companies that produce it and if they're UG they may accidentally overdose..

That's just my logic right now, the IGF LR3 makes me nervous, but I know there are a ton of benefits if it's done right..

Any input on my thought process? Thanks!
I completely understand your apprehension towards IGF. The list of potential sides can be off putting to say the least. But the likely hood of most are few and far between, not to mention dose dependent. Even at 100mcg's per day, I don't think they would apply.

Here are some sides associated with Vitamin C.. and are considered common, but I've never experience them.

Common side-effects

Relatively large doses of ascorbic acid may cause indigestion, particularly when taken on an empty stomach. However, taking vitamin C in the form of sodium ascorbate and calcium ascorbate may minimize this effect.[110] When taken in large doses, ascorbic acid causes diarrhea in healthy subjects. In one trial in 1936, doses up to 6 grams of ascorbic acid were given to 29 infants, 93 children of preschool and school age, and 20 adults for more than 1400 days. With the higher doses, toxic manifestations were observed in five adults and four infants. The signs and symptoms in adults were nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, flushing of the face, headache, fatigue and disturbed sleep. The main toxic reactions in the infants were skin rashes.[111]
You should see the list of side effects for Vit. C that aren't common, but could potentially arise. It's crazy.
But, all the side effects with IGF aside.. I think TB-500 is a great peptide that you will benefit from immensely.
Killer info I want to try tb500 as well. What would the daily dose a lab rat would take and how much should one get?
Long time lurker here. Guys, I am on my 3rd week of TB500. Over 40 years old, have benched 630, and have had 2 shoulder scope surgeries over 10 years back. 2 months ago I started having the same deep "ache" in my left AC joint clavicle area that I had back in '99. Same procedure - went for a cortisone shot. Worked for 4 days, wore off, deep pain was back. This is a pain that does NOT go away by itself. I figured "Oh sh$t, more surgery".

Well guess what. This TB500 stuff effing WORKS. 3 weeks now, as of today that deep, nasty ache is probably 95% gone. It seems like it gets better every day, less pain every day. All I can say is, I am VERY impressed with this peptide.

Best protocol I have found is what I started on: 2 mgs twice a week. (boils down to 2mgs every 3 days obviously). As someone who has been a heavy bencher for so many years with the aches and pains that go along with it, I cannot stress to you guys how great this peptide has been, in ONLY 3 WEEKS. I will run it for 3 weeks more as I have been at 2mgs/2 wk, then I am going to back off to 4mgs/mo. Research seems to show this is effective. All I can say is, anyone with any serious aches, give it a go. It is remarkable.
Some great feedback Bencher.. appreciate hearing about your experience. This stuff is definately worth a look, as you said, for anyone that has any aches or serious pains.
Thanks Pittsburgh. Yeah it is remarkable. I am really excited about this stuff. I've been wanting to go heavy again and have had to stay moderate, but now there is hope. Best I've felt in a couple years. Thanks for the coupon, I'll check into that site.
Thanks a lot Bencher for sharing! I have the same issue w/ the A/C joint. I had surgery and it didn't even help. I've been dealing w/ modified exercises since I was 19 now. It's been a challenge to say the least..

Anyway, I'm going to give this stuff a shot. I'll keep you posted on how it works out for me. Thanks a lot to everyone that is contributing to the thread. I really appreciate it!
AI - Best of luck to you...if you have the results I am, you will LOVE it. My shoulder scopes went great back in 99 and 00. Great success with them. But didn't stop the overall joint soreness from heavy benching. I've had to stay with moderate weights over the last couple years because of the general soreness. Then a few months ago the deep ache started back in this damn AC joint.

All I can say to everyone is this stuff works. I benched earlier today, starting to add weight back on I went 315 for 20, 2 sets, NO SHOULDER SORENESS. If you knew how sore I've been over the last couple years, you'd realize this how crazy this is for me to not be sore after a bench workout. And the injection is nothing, there are no sides to it at all, flushing, redness, bumps, nothing. Incredible.

Man 3 weeks in, this stuff is like a miracle drug. I can't see going without it at this point!
I honestly thought I was headed back for more surgery this year, and now 3 weeks later, I SCOFF at the thought of surgery! LOL

One other side note: My pumps are crazy, and I believe the TB4 is responsible. Nothing else has changed, testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), 400 mg every 2 weeks. No added supps or anything. The only thing the extra pumps and tightness could be is the TB4. Crazy. I love it.
hey Bencher, just a heads up, I have a very similar injury, had the A/C joint surgery on my right shoulder a long time ago (which didn't really help much, so I never did my left). Before and after the surgery, it use to hurt when I slept on my side. I'd wake up w/ sore shoulders about 6 months ago I took the plunge with Ichon. Did intense research (I just messaged you Bencher to give you a little more info on the depth of the research), it's the same as Adequan. I think it helped a lot. Not just placebo. It's been around 2 to 3 months and I'm still g2g. I haven't tried to bench yet, but it's not my main goal. I'm really just trying to get through working out w/out sore shoulders. Wrestling since I was 6 probably didn't help the cause. I'm not doing a monthly maintenance. My shoulders haven't hurt when I wake up in a while. I'd say it made them 70% better in 1 cycle of around 28 shots every other day of 70ml/shot. I recently bought another cycle worth that I may do before, after or along with the TB 500. Just thought that may help you b/c the Ichon is for the joint and TB500 seems to be for the soft tissue, but could help w/ the joint pain.

Just a disclaimer, if you do try it there's a very small chance you are allergic to it. First time I took it, I printed out all the info on what I took (in case I had to show to doctor), had my girl by my side for an hour or 2 so if there were any reactions we'd be off to the hospital which is like 5 min away (I would have took the shot and drove to a mall or something that was close to the hospital if I wasn't so close) and only did 20ml. I was cautious, but that was my protocol.

The reason I stated looking in to TB 500 is 1st b/c my friend told me about it and 2nd b/c I researched it and you have all been so helpful and 3rd b/c I started getting tendonitis / soreness on the inside of my forearm. Hopefully TB500 helps w/ both that and my shoulders.

K, thanks again guys...
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AI - that sounds great, now you have me interested in that Adequan, although I cannot complain a bit about the TB4, it is a GODSEND 3 weeks into it. Hey I tried PMing you with all that info, it isn't allowing me to do it for some reason?? Frustrating, not sure what is up with that? I'm not real familiar with using the site yet, I'm new to it, not sure how I go about getting you that info on a message? Do I have to join or pay or something? Nothing has promted me to do that yet....? I'm such a message board simpleton I guess...LOL
Hey Bencher, np, it's confusing at first. On the top left you can click on "User CP" (if you can't find it on this page you can do ctrl+F and type in "user cp" it will find the link) then on the left nav bar you can click on "List Messages", from there just click on my PM and there's a quick reply like there is on this thread. It would be a huge help! Ha.. Thanks..