PCGL with Test Cyp Log


New member
EDIT: Title says test cyp, but it is actually test prop.

Age- 24
Weight- 195lb
Height 5'8"

This will be my 4th cycle. my first 3 included Test cyp, Test prop, dbol, anavar, and tren hex, clen and t3 (neither all at once nor in the same cycle obviously lol). This will be my 2nd cut with gear. Dieting won't be a problem especially since i'm using 3j.

Weeks 1-8 Test Prop at 500mg per week, pinning eod
weeks 1-2 or 1-3 (depending on sides/results) PCLG at 30mcg 3x per day.
HCG 10,000iu total for ten days starting last day of of test
Clomid 50mg ed for 4 weeks starting two weeks after my last inject of test.
Arimidex on hand if needed but i'm not really prone to sides.

I'll include a starting pic. I'm pretty nervous about what to expect as far as sides go from PCLG. I have prep h, baby powder and wet wipes on hand lol.

Has anyone had experience with this? is this enough gear to prevent muscle loss? How much strength can i expect to loose or gain if any? Any knowledge with first hand experience would be greatly appreciated. There appears to be a lot of contradicting opinions about how to run PCLG.
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