Hey got bloods didn't get Test reading everything else is fine.. What dose u think I should HCG Clomid?Wheres ur hcg and clomid?
How can u say psl ai is underdosed? Bloods?
Ah ok shouldn't start HCG now then?Do clomid and nolva for pct.
Clomid 100/50/50/50
Nolva 40/20/20/20
Hcg should of been used during the cycle, it helps the recovery.
I would start HCG as soon as possible. After your cycle you can continue HCG if you like until you start PCT. About 3 weeks after your cycle you want to start clomid and nolva. Make sure you stop taking the HCG at least 4 days prior to PCT.
Use hcgdont extend your cycle,use hcg up untill you start pct.
Next cycle make sure u start hcg during your cycle,day 1 till a day before you start yourpct.
Good luck
Thnx I'll add clomid what's dose on HCG?add clomid 50mg ed 4 weeks
I would start HCG as soon as possible. After your cycle you can continue HCG if you like until you start PCT. About 3 weeks after your cycle you want to start clomid and nolva. Make sure you stop taking the HCG at least 4 days prior to PCT.
Use hcgdont extend your cycle,use hcg up untill you start pct.
Next cycle make sure u start hcg during your cycle,day 1 till a day before you start yourpct.
Good luck
add clomid 50mg ed 4 weeks
hcg can be ran 250-500 iu 2x per week . be aware that there can be more aromatization when using HCG , so you may have to up your AI . you don't want to go into PCT with elevated estrogen levels (will make natty test production difficult)
Gunna have to HCG next cycle, PCT for this is Clomid Nolva as suggested.. Really want to extend it to 20 wk but I guess thats not a great idea
why extend it to 20 weeks?
if your feeling the need to run this cycle to 20 weeks and you ran test AND 6 weeks of Dbol with it , then I'm guessing you did not get all that you wanted out of this cycle and were disappointed (which really 12 weeks of test with a 6 week dbol kicker should be great for gains).
rather then run to 20 weeks, I'd spend your time and effort re-evaluating your training and diet protocols (thats prob a bigger issue then the length of time on gear)