PCT after Helladrol Cycle - Side Effects Advice


New member

Did a Helladrol cycle and now I am coming up on 2 weeks in my PCT.

Here is how I ran the cycle and how I am running PCT:

1-6 helladrol 75/75/75/100/100/125
1-6 n2guard - 6 capsules per day
1-6 hcgenerate - 4 capsules per day
1-6 Forma Stanzol - 8.5 pumps per day (4 in the morning, 4.5 at night)

pct 7-10

LiquiClom (Chlomid) - 50/50/25/25
Phytoserms 347 - As Directed
Hcgenerate - 5 capsules per day
Forged Post Cycle - 2 capsules 2 times a day morning and night.
N2guard - 6 capsules per day
Forma Stanzol - 10 pumps per day (5 in the morning, 5 at night)

I am now getting small itchy bumps on my chest, arms, back of hands, and thighs. It's not severe but it is noticable for sure.

What could this be from?

The only supplements that I am taking now that I didn't take during the cycle are:

Forged Post Cycle

I was thinking it might be the forma since it was on my chest and arms first, but I took that through the cycle (nothing happened then) and it is now on my legs as well.

Please advise.

I'm thinking I should switch to 25mg of liquiclom now and possibly only take two forged post cycles per day instead of 4 a day?

Anyone had similar symptoms and have suggestions on what to reduce, or stop?

Please help.

Thanks guys.
never seen or heard anything like that before hard to say what it could be from. I'm not familar what is Liquiclom?
Liquiclom is clomid. Taken orally.

It's acting like a heat rash. I am transitioning between indoors and outdoors in a hot climate.

I was just wearing one glove and the spots on the back of my gloved hand are worse.

Other than these supplements, nothing has changed with my diet whatsoever.

Kind of makes me want to stop taking everything but I know that it wouldn't be good to stop cold turkey.

Suggestions on what to do?
Like it was stated earlier it's going to be tough to figure out what supp. is causing the reaction, if it's even one of the supps causing it at all. I would ride it out and try to finish the last 2 weeks as you know PCT is very important if it gets worse then go see a doctor or tapper down the doses. Hopefully it subsides soon and it was just a rash that happened to show up during your PCT, good luck.
For starters I'm thinking I'll reduce the liquiclom to 25mg instead of 50 and take only 1 phytoserms and 2 forged post cycle power day instead of 2 Phytoserms and 4 forged post cycle.
I'm pretty familiar with the OTC supps you've chosen for your pct and I've never seen anyone have this reaction...therefore I wonder if it's perhaps the suspending liquid the Clomid is in?
could be anything but I've never heard of a reaction before with any of the other items in your list before aside from the LiquiClom which is the only new item in your list.it will be very hard to tell what is creating it without getting tested or doing a trial and error test yourself I hope the rash gets better