Peptide noob cycle question


New member
I'm very interested in researching and using peptides. Juiced porkchop has left days of reading on these forums so I'm still sifting through all that. I was wondering if anyone has an example of a great peptide bulking cycle? And can I run a peptide cycle and an AAS cycle at the same time? Will they compliment each other or will it increase risks of bad health and nasty sides?
Yes you can run a peptide cycle and AAS cycle at the same time and achieve great results, gear and HGH have a synergistic effect,

If you are looking at running HGH then I would run it for about a month or two before starting your AAS cycle, and it has to be run for a minimum of 6 months..

In terms of a good bulking cycle, depending on your cycle history, but for something intermediate why don't you try my favourite bulking cycle:

Weeks 1 to 14: Test E 600mgs per week
Weeks 1 to 12: Deca 525mgs per week
Weeks 1 to 4: Dbol 50mgs per day
Weeks 13 to 17: Winstrol 50mgs per day
Run arimidex and caber throughout cycle to keep estrogen and prolactin under control.
HGH: 5ius per day (minimum for mass gain) anything less is fat loss and anti ageing)
Thanks for your feedback Dj. I'm not in a position to afford HGH right now, I was more looking at CJC-1293,Ghrp-6, and stuff like that, that is readily and available and cheap!
Try something like Ipamorelin with CJC without DAC... Should give you some decent results.

HGH is very expensive and is a financial commitment for a minimum of 6 months... question: Have you reached a plateau with anabolics that you are exploring the world of peptides now?
Try something like Ipamorelin with CJC without DAC... Should give you some decent results.

HGH is very expensive and is a financial commitment for a minimum of 6 months... question: Have you reached a plateau with anabolics that you are exploring the world of peptides now?
No I think I could do a lot more with AAS, I'm just checking out peptides for future use or maybe running with my 4th cycle.
For the amount of cash you will be forking out for GH and peptides, you could get a few killer cycles instead.. Save the growth and peptides when you are ready for it