Peptide questions


New member
Hey everyone I was just wondering what is the effectiveness of peptides vs. steroids in overall gains and the ability to keep your gains? Also, are peptides a safe alternative compared to steroids and what peptide is the best for bulking? And what in everyones opinion is the peptide that gives you the most bang for your buck? Thanks guys for any input.
Peptides will never produce the results AAS will. Peptides are effective though. The gh peps are very similar to using gh but it's increasing your natural output so long term use is best.
Peptides are nothing like AAS in terms of gains, not even close. I would say the peptide closest to any AAS would be the IGF variants.
As far as safe, although they are assumed safe, no one really knows the long term effects of any peptide.
Testosterone on the other hand, has been used for decades, and I consider it extremely safe if not abused. Additionally, most gains can be kept if proper post cycle therapy (pct) is used.
Hey everyone I was just wondering what is the effectiveness of peptides vs. steroids in overall gains and the ability to keep your gains? Also, are peptides a safe alternative compared to steroids and what peptide is the best for bulking? And what in everyones opinion is the peptide that gives you the most bang for your buck? Thanks guys for any input.

what do you mean " are peptides a safe alternative compared to steroids "
both can be safe if used properly. overall id say steroids are MUCH safer, there aucually years of data on them not the same for most peptides.
I rec and LOVE IGF1LR3 from
I rec it like so:
30-70mcg ed for 8 weeks
what do you mean " are peptides a safe alternative compared to steroids "
both can be safe if used properly. overall id say steroids are MUCH safer, there aucually years of data on them not the same for most peptides.
I rec and LOVE IGF1LR3 from
I rec it like so:
30-70mcg ed for 8 weeks

Thanks for the Rec.