Perfection Awaits this Cycle

Primordial Performance 1-T: 5 pumps/day (4 weeks)
Epistane: 10-20mg/day (4 weeks)

post cycle therapy (pct): Undecided. May go with PP's post cycle therapy (pct) stack. Will decide soon though, as it takes time to order/ship.

Summary of 1-T Cycle:

Beginning weight: 160 even

Ending weight: 170 even

Beginning lifts:

Deadlift: 405x3
Bench: 225x8 (don't ask)
Squat: 315x5

Ending Lifts:

Deadlift: 405x8
Bench: 225x12
Squat: 315x8

I used the same weights to test how many more reps I could do. I thought this was the fairest test.

Body Fat:

Remained the same. I was bulking :)

Cycle Ran:

Week 1-4: 5 Pumps of 1-T Every Morning
Week 1-2: 10mg Epistane
Week 3-4: 20mg Epistane
Week 1-4: Aromatase inhibitor (AI) Cycle Support

Comments on Cycle:

Gains definitely come the last week the most. I gained ~7 lbs in the first three weeks, and 3lbs in just the last week. The transdermal formula is really nice, like lotion. Very professional.

I think one bottle is good for 10lbs in about 4 weeks if you are very good with diet and everything, but I think if you got 2 bottles and ran it like this, 15lbs in 6 weeks is very obtainable:

Week 1-6: 7 pumps 1-T Daily

This would require 2 bottles.

I think the best post cycle therapy (pct) for this would be:

Sustain Alpha + Aromatase inhibitor (AI) Post Cycle Support.

Other ways 1-T can be used:

At the beginning of a cycle of anabolics, instead of an oral steroid. Much safe on the liver. Example:

Week 1-4: 5 pumps 1-T Daily
Week 1-10: 500mg Test E/week

To those of you who jump on the 1-T train, Enjoy.

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epistane......your epistane write sounds pretty interesting! im gonna look into it more, nice read.
1-T Came in today.

Starting weight: 160lbs (down from close to 200 a year ago).

5 pumps of 1-T + 10mg Epistane.

This stuff rubs on very nice. It's like lotion. Today I start my path to being swole ;)
I couldnt find how you are running your cycle....
Can you post your itinaary from week 1 to finish, including your pct.

Thanks...Good luck to ya
Today was a general Push routine. Chest, tris, shoulders. I have been lifting consistently and my numbers were as expected. Good energy in the gym.

I am doing to 1-T in the morning, after I shower.
Got my 1-T a couple days ago. Nice packaging and product presentation. Ill start my cycle in about a month when i finish up the test cycle im running right now. I wanna run it all by itself.
According to the post , a cycle of 1T by itself, was equiv. to 400/test 35/ *if i read it right* if thats the case, i would be expecting to hear some key results ..

im ordering the same cycle as Perfection awaits..i might think about upping the .mgs on the epis.
According to the post , a cycle of 1T by itself, was equiv. to 400/test 35/ *if i read it right* if thats the case, i would be expecting to hear some key results ..

im ordering the same cycle as Perfection awaits..i might think about upping the .mgs on the epis.

Yeah… similar kind of results and overall effects… maybe not quite as amplified.

Yeah… similar kind of results and overall effects… maybe not quite as amplified.


no worries..i might have fingered my quote a little..i was sidetracked, and trying to remember.

Im usually a skeptical person, but im seeing alot of solid reviews, and alot of the bros ive learned to trust their advise in the past years on waying in on im going to be making my order today..just trying to tweek to what i want to run it with..

..sorry perfection for whoring on your thread