PH Cycle Questions

I started taking milk thistle last week. This week I preload Cycle Assist. Week after I'm going to start my cycle. One last look.

Weeks 1-4:
M1t 20/20/20/20
Cycle Assist

Weeks 4-8+:
Nolva: 20/20/10/10
Bridge Test Booster
Cycle Assist

Animal Pak vitamins, high protein, good carbs and SuperPump 250. I hope bridge will help rebound me and hold those gains.

I'm pretty excited, preparing myself mentally for the lethargy though. Thanks everyone for their input. I've learned a lot around here lately.
N2guard costs like 20 bucks more than cycle assist, Ive used cycle assist on all my cycles and it has always worked.

Taking the test booster on cycle is a waste of time. The forma is good, but just take the test booster post cycle therapy (pct). Never understood why people starting stacking natty test boosters with PHs on cycle. No real benefit from it. Now if it was real test, that would be nice.

Make sure when you come off cycle, your diet stays on point and getting that protein. Also getting muscle supporting supps during PCT and off cycle are good, like No2, creatine....the usual stuff. These will help you keep the gains as well.

And like grip said, Keep that water intake high.

this is very good, unbiased advice....nice

imo tho guard or cycle assist wont cut it with m1t, its more heptoxic than boladrol or superdrol, your alt will be high, not too mention all the other whacked out numbers.....having 7yrs of m1t feedback, id say get liver longer or udca, seeing the m1t cycle is so short, 2x either is enuff, more expensive than the other stuff, but its your health, and no one said this game is cheap
I have been working out for 4+ years (since 17). I have perfected my form and lifts with all the compound movements and focused on a 2day split compound program strictly for the last 3 months. My gains or changes haven't completely stalled or plateaued but I am having trouble breaking the 165 weight mark after gaining 40ishlbs in the last 4 years.

I mean Nolvadex, yes the SERM.

I am worried about lethargy as I can have a hectic life from time to time but I have an amino acid blend with caffeine added I plan to slug throughout the day if I'm really feeling it. Plus whatever preworkout I get, Superpump or Jack3d.

Just waiting on the Cycle Assist right now, a little hard to get to Canada. I'll pickup the Nolvadex as soon as I get it during my 1week preload. I'll also probably hit a health store and grab the closest thing to Liv52 for a little added protection. Other than that I am really hoping to stay under $200 and am getting real close, shipping costs are killing me.

As far as bridge, I'll cross that bridge (haha) when I get closer to it and my bank account rebounds a bit. Again, thanks for the input gentlemen I am taking all advice very seriously.

bro im in canada too,i feel your pain, you just need to know where to look to get deals

liv52 is on ebay real cheap, rui has udca and i get my stuff in a week

get clomid or torem instead of nolva, in fact get udca and torem from rui, itll be at your door in a week, run them both in post cycle
Too bad AndroHard doesn't ship to Canada, it looks like it would be sweet to run 2 weeks into my cycle for 4weeks, and seems to be the same if not better than SERM's.

it does man, the primordial site it doesnt, but there are a few that carry it, i know of one that has it in stock still, and they are alot cheaper than
Coul you PM me the site? I know I just started ordering supps ect. online and I need to make sure my orders are huge to make it worth it!

I've read the sides on Clomid are a lot worse than Nolva? I don't wanna feel like a little bitch haha.

I'm not sure how legit this site is but I found cheaper Nolva from there, and its
I can't PM yet I guess, how many posts do you need to send messages? Got your message, thanks a lot man I'll be grabbing some torem asap.